splicing Mono to Hollow with rigging wire

Started by jonnou, October 08, 2014, 10:04:44 AM

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Quote from: Keta on October 17, 2014, 02:03:07 PM
Quote from: maxpowers on October 08, 2014, 06:05:23 PM
50 lbs mono into 130 lbs braid will not be good.  at most you should use no more than 80 lbs hollow braid.  60/65 lbs is actually better.  You should look into buying some hollow DaHo needles.  The wire is great from making loops and to splice solid braid into hollow braid but the hollow needle make it much easier to splice mono or fluoro into hollow braid.  Charkbait sell the hollow needles as well as small amount of hollow braid to make wind-ons.

Hollow needles will this easier and 3' is enough to hold the splice.  I've tested splices with the mono inserted 6" but make the ones for others 3'.
I usually splice in a section of uncoated spectra on the end of my line to make splicing easier.

I am trying to insert 150lb mono 1.2mm
I dont think a hollow needle will help much as it will be slightly over dia
I tryed again tonight and struggled
I think I need to get some uncoated spectra to make the connection
or might splice in some powerpro to take the insertion

what is your prefered method for splicing solid spectra to hollow?
thanks for your help


There are a few ways to splice solid into hollow.
Jerry just slips the solid into the hollow and then ties a overhand knot in both close to the insert point.  
I either tie a 3'-4' loop in the solid using a overhand knot (a small knot so it will slip into the hollow) or just an overhand knot 3'-4' from the end of the solid.  Next insert the solid into the hollow until the knot is 1"-1.5" into the hollow then serve between the inset point and the knot.  When done I pull the knot to the serving.

You can use a smaller hollow needle by cutting a long taper in the mono with a sharp blade then stick the mono into the needle as far as it will go.  Be careful when inserting the line and needle so you don't pull the line out of the needle.

I have a few slightly used needles if you want one.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


Thanks lee that makes sense to me.
Might take you up on that offer .
Or get a set from Jerry
Cheers Jon


Quote from: jonnou on October 19, 2014, 08:57:16 AM
Might take you up on that offer .

I can stick it in a regular envelope and get it shipped to the upside down part of the world for a reasonable price, let me know what the line diameter is.  I think I gave you the "price" that I would sell you DaHo products for, that still stands too.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


Line Dia is 1.2mm
thinking of getting the glue
also thinking of heavier hollow to make wind on's  (400lb?)
think I will wait till I got a good list of things then get them sent
thanks Jon


10 years down the line and I'm having the same problem trying to put 80lb mono into 65lb JB. I have never encountered hollowcore more difficult to splice than this line is. Everything goes just fine initially so it's not a diameter issue, and I can splice the same mono into 65lb braids from other brands of very similar diameter no problem. As per the original post, every few inches I hit a "tight spot" where the braid just refuses to expand and the needle pops out the side. It's like there's a locked in weave or the braid is somehow fused.
I had some JB 80lb and it behaved exactly the same. For how much this braid costs it's infuriating, I can splice cheap Daiwa hollowcore with my eyes closed, and Powerpro I could do in my sleep.


After further experimentation, I thought I had found a technique that worked but in fact I had just found a stretch of maybe 18" of braid without a "tight spot". Then I encountered another one and could progress no further, I even tried passing a smaller diameter sewing needle through it to open it up to no avail.

It turns out that under very close visual inspection the flaws in the braid are actually visible. They present as a section of obviously much more tightly woven line maybe 2mm long. These occur at random intervals in the braid.

I guess I'll just cut away braid until I get a long enough length to do a splice to my satisfaction.

For what it's worth, this was a spool of line I have had on the shelf for a long time, and would have been of similar age to the original post. Perhaps there was a quality problem around that time, who knows.

EDIT: Photos:

Here you can see the slightly reduced diameter of the tight spot and the much closer weave.

Here I have inserted a splicing needle, and you can clearly see the "tight spot" that will not expand, while the braid immediately after it will balloon out when slightly bunched up.


Try softening the area up by rubbing it between your thumb and finger.  Not sure it will work for you but it has worked for me a few times.  It didn't solve the problem a few times too.  I tried rubbing the spot with the needle pushing against the hardened area.


Occsionaly the machines make minor errors.

Cut the mono at a angle and round off the cut with extra fine sandpaper.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


Interesting thread. I haven't tried splicing nylon mono into PE braid but I've done a lot of nylon into dacron splices. I have encountered the same problem and discovered it was caused by fine fibres in the dacron braid forming a web in the 'tube' that prevented the smooth and tapered nylon from progressing.

Exactly the same nylon had no problem when trying to splice into the same strength dacron of a different brand and, indeed, with a different spool of the original troublesome stuff.

Interestingly, the troublesome spool also had several flaws along the length - fluffy spots and tight bits. There were half a dozen along a 1000 yard length that I had to cut out and then splice the dacron to itself to form a single length again. What a pain!


The JB I highlighted above, you would be lucky to get 2ft without hitting a flaw. I managed, battling frustration, to get through a couple of them and get a splice long enough that I was comfortable with, but the next time that reel needs a topshot put on I'm stripping the spool and putting something else on it.


Not spliced much PE braid but done a lot of dacron splices. Sometimes you get a spool that is a true bu@@er to splice because the 'tube' of the braid is full of fine strands that act like a cobweb to stop the mono sliding inside. Nothing you can do but give it up as a bad job and choose another spool, even of the same brand.

Those flaws shown as tight bits are another source of frustration and I've also come across fluffs that are a weak spot and even individual strands that had broken abd been tied together witha simple knot.

It is why a load all my reels slowly by hand - to spot and cut out any dodgy bits.

Some brands are worse than others - never had trouble with Cortland, Gladding and several others that have disappeared from the shelves.


Hi guys, does anyone have experience with Seaguar Threadlock hollow core braid? I would like to buy the 60 lbs version to join it to a 100 lbs nylon. In your experience is this a feasible operation?


I have not heard anything bad about Threadlock but have never used it.

I doubt you will be able to get 100# mono into 60# braid.
I would build a loop to loop wind on topshot using 130# or splice a short section of 100# or 130# braid on to the 60# then insert the 100# mono to the heavier braid. 

If this is a one time thing 
I can send you 20' of 130# JB Line One Hollow for $0.00.  If you need more I can sell any lengths of JB at a reasonable price but prefer length over 50 yards.  PM me.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


Thank you for your offer, you were very kind. However, I must decline the help. I know that there are some guide tables that indicate the useful diameters for Hollow core > Monofilament joints. For example, a 100 lbs monofilament can be inserted into an 80 lbs Hollow core braid... And so on. Could someone with a kind heart post these indicative tables?