Calcutta 700S - spool removal?

Started by MadKev, May 24, 2015, 08:05:31 AM

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Hi Troops,

Done the forum and YouTube searches. I've worked on 100's of conventional reels, but I've no notes from the last time (years?) I worked on a 700S, and I've just opened a seized one from a mate.  Spool release button was seized in the 'out' position and the spool wouldn't rotate, all suspected to be lack of maintenance and left on a shelf for a year or two.

So, RHS plate removed, spool cannot be separated from this plate containing the gearbox.  Is there any mechanical reason for this? I can see the tip of the spool spindle inside the bearing of the RHS plate, and can barely rotate it left-right a little.  So far as I remember, it should just slide out so before I commit to using a drift to punch the spindle out, is there anything I've missed?  It's had a good dousing of WD40 as a release agent yesterday, and I'm loathe to use heat due to the plastic gearbox cover.

Bryan Young

Sounds like the spool spindle is rusted to the bearing.  I have had a few of those.
:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


OK, sounds like scientific application of force is needed, seems it should just drop out if in good order.  Thanks for all replies.


Both the bearing and the pinion gear were locked solid.  I had to make them want to come apart, after that plain sailing.  May have slightly swollen the tip of the spindle when drifting it, but only needs light dressing to get back to profile.

Thanks again.


you will likely have to take the risk of damaging the reel in order to remove the spool. 

remove the spool cap on the right side plate to expose the tip of the spool shaft.  get a pin punch and a hammer, and an able bodied assistant.  have your able bodied assistant hold the right side plate while you gently tap on the exposed tip of the spool shaft to tap it through the pinion gear.  there are a dozen ways that you can mess this up.  take your time, tap carefully, and it will work.
send me an email at for questions!


If you have a goog sized soldering iron it is sometimes worth applying  it to the bearing under the spool cap for some localized heat. Just about every Calcutta I get has this bearing rusted up. If you own one go out and hit it with Corrosion X NOW so you might be able to get it out when you service the reel. Be very careful drifting out the spool shaft, I have had a few attempted self service reels where they have beaten the shaft so badly that as well as belling out the shaft end, they have bent the spool shaft, it takes quite a while turning the spool on the lathe chuck and manually bending the  shaft straight again.
Specialist Daiwa reel service, including Magseal, MQ series body plates, and every other "improvement" that Daiwa Marketing (sorry... I meant Engineering) Dept comes up with!