Max drags on my Sealine 50H/350H

Started by cj6530, June 21, 2015, 02:05:19 AM

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I use 100ft of 40LB mono topshot on my Sealine 50H/350H reels used for Albacore trolling.  I have upgraded drags and maybe get 15lb.  Is it pointless to upgrade to 50lb or 60lb topshot this year given the increased chance of a bigger bluefin striking on the west coast.  In short.....will an 80lb bluefin simply spool me anyway given the pinned drag capabilities of these reels?


Your 15lbs will get you to 12lbs drag for 50lb setup, and 13lbs for 60lbs setup; both drag numbers are lower to allow the drag from the rod guides (typically 1-2 lbs) to factor in and reach the 1/4 rule.

If you're going to fish from a SD sportboat, trolling 40lb is a questionable choice...80lb is more common. Private boat...well, anything is possible.

I've landed a 50-55lb BFT before on 50lb braid + 30' 30lb mono + 3' 30lb fluoro leader with a fly-lined sardine. With the 50H's 350+ yds of 80lb braid or the 350H's 400 yds of 80lb braid, I'd be willing to take on a 80lb BFT...