Banax Electric Reels - US Distribution and Repair - Frigate Sales & Service

Started by Frigate Sales, September 28, 2015, 09:54:49 PM

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Frigate, Have you had any issues with the power cords?  Are they similar to the Tanacom 1000s? 

Power cords failing and where they connect to the reels has been my biggest issue with the Tanacoms.

Darin Crofton

God, Family and Fishing, what else is there?


  The Banax 7000x electric reel is in its evaluation period for me.  Seems pretty good for most bottomfishing situations.  Has about twenty pounds of drag box stock.  I am dissapointed in the Lack of any English instructions form the Factory or Worse Yet any help Stateside.
  Much of the programming built in for jigging cannot be used if you dont know Korean.
Non the less I bought it not knowing,  Butt heres a fish I caught that used all 12 volts :D


What ever happened to the post,  seems like there is no responce?   Death ?  r we bad?  just wondering???? ???


For orientation have a look at the manual of the Banax 1000.  There are certainly no major differences
love jigging
Authorized Jigging Master Service Partner (in Germany)


Hi james

I am derek. I have purchased 4 banax kaigen reels recently but I am having a big issue with the star drag.
I have to put a tremendous amount of force on the star drag to get a decent amount of drag
And by decent i mean approximately 20lbs.
I think i would break my fingers trying to get 40 lbs of pressure.

I have the same problem with all 4 reels.
Can you please advise if this is normal?

Best regards



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