penn 115 handle side bearing loose??

Started by kb6880, October 04, 2015, 12:45:11 PM

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I have just finished rebuilding a 115 (9/0) senator.   This reel has the newer "bearing and cap" on the handle side (Scotts schematic part 26).  Scotts decribes this as being "pressed into the plate". This bearing and cap was loose in the sideplate (wish I could say the same about the bearing in the cap ... it was a challenge to get that bearing out!).   I serviced the bearing and putting it back into the cap and placed the cap into the sideplate.   It just sits in the opening loose ... it does not snap in or seem to fit in tightly like a I would think of for a press fit.   There does not seem to be anything to hold it in place, and without the pressure of the spool on the bearing, the cap would likely fall out of the sideplate, or could be removed with very light pressure.   Once the spool is on and the non-handle side bearing is properly tensioned, it seems to work fine.   Is this normal?  If not, is there some way to get the cap more firmly situated in the sideplate?   



Yes, they can sit loose in the plate. It's the spool shaft that holds it in there once the reel is back together.

Maureen Albertson :)
Scott's Bait & Tackle / Mystic Reel Parts (Formerly
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Thanks for the confirmation about the bearing cap mizmo!   


A light coating of silicone will hold it in place yet still making removal easy.


Silicone is a great suggestion ... will give that a try.   

Shark Hunter

That is normal kb. Some Senators have an adjustment on the non handle side to take out the spool play.
If they don't, I just use shims to remove any play. A little is ok.
Life is Good!