Stella 10000fa

Started by Toonafish, August 08, 2016, 07:38:56 PM

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Hello, I have been watching the forums and taking note, what a great site!
I recently picked up an older stella 10000fa  It looks to be taken care of but one thing bothers me, the spool has an incredible amount of lateral "in and out" play it is not the spool but the whole shaft moves in and out .70 thousands "a little over 1/16" is this from a worn worm gear or other problem, or is it the norm? Thanks


Most likely the worm drive and pawl are both worn, but shaft "float" is a design "feature" of that setup in all reels. The oscillation cam setup in higher end Daiwas stays tighter for far longer, but Shimano have persisted with this design.  I have not put my hands on any Shimano reel (including fairly new Stellas) that did not have some degree of end float in the shaft, however as I am used to my own Daiwas I tend to notice the float more than others might.  I guess you can put up with it unless it affects the line lay?  You will never eliminate the play completely, it is "designed in" to allow free movement and allow the reversal of the pawl in the wormshaft.  Careful shimming of the worm shaft along with new components might remove the bulk of it, maybe if I can hang onto one for long enough one day I might have a fiddle and see if it can be improved.
Specialist Daiwa reel service, including Magseal, MQ series body plates, and every other "improvement" that Daiwa Marketing (sorry... I meant Engineering) Dept comes up with!



I too have a Stella 10000FA which has a large amount of lateral play on the rotor shaft. However, the reel works flawlessly even when tackling big fish. It shows nearly 3/16 " play . It has been routinely serviced by Shimano & I have used it only thrice after the last service. Only when I tried to sell it , did the new owner point out this problem. Shimano service did not comment on this or correct it. Is there any remedy, can one get new parts.