Okuma Cavalla 50Wii design fault? - clicker not loud enough

Started by boghy, March 21, 2011, 06:13:16 AM

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As many of you may know already I own an Okuma Cavalla 50W-II and while i enjoy using it, there is one problem with this reel - the clicker is not loud enough!
I was digging into this problem to realize that the clicker gear makes the sound of the clicker less loud.
The reason? Is not made out of metal as shown here:

Yes - that's hard plastic!

I had some doubts about that when i opened up and regressed this reel but i decided to ignore it till i went fishing. I realized that when you are outside, especially on the beach you can't really hear the clicker properly so i decided to call Okuma and ask them if they have that part made out of metal. As expected they didn't had any and while i explained to the person on the phone what my thoughts are, he was nice enough to make a note to they Research & Development dept about my complain. He also mentioned that as long as there will not be enough complain about the clicker gear part #401 he doesn't see any chance of getting this changed. So, here is the opportunity for everyone that own an Okuma Cavalla 50w to pinch in by complaining to Okuma to have the clicker gear changed from hard plastic to metal!    
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Although Cavalla is a later model than the Titus Gold, I wonder why they changed the steel ball typre alarm on the TG to the conventional type. The TG series has the best clicker/line out alarm of all the reels I have seen and long lasting too!
I live 'fishing'!