Penn precision reel oil vs Penn synthetic reel oil

Started by johnachak, March 08, 2018, 11:19:55 PM

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I had no idea there were 2 Penn reel oils. I purchased a 4 oz bottle of Penn precision reel oil and when I used it, I was surprised. Instead of the thin blue oil I was used to, a thicker clear oil came out. I compared the bottles and I saw the difference in the labels. The one I had just purchased was the Penn precision reel oil. The thin blue stuff is Penn synthetic reel oil. I used the thicker stuff on handles and worm gears since it seemed to stick better. I won't know till the season whether or not it was a good idea. Has anyone seen the clear precision reel oil before? The bottle looked exactly like the synthetic reel oil except for the wording.
Tight lines all,


I raised the same question just a while back and in my wait for a reply saw your post. 2018 and no reply yet? Anyway I got the from Malaysia and the seller swears that it is authentic. Just wanted to check out if I was scammed. How did it go? 2018 was pre-pandemic.....


Lucas synthetic reel oil is also thin/blue,it's all I use in conjunction with Super Lube on gears & drag washers.I wonder if its all made by the same company or just
Dye to signify the type of oil?


Since the folk at Penn haven't chimed in:

Penn currently only lists the Precision Reel Oil on its web site.  My guess is that it is a just a product rename, and these are not separate products with separate uses.

This board is for interacting directly with a couple nice of folk from Penn.  They do product and educational announcements here, plus will often answer product questions. 

We have a separate tools and lubricants board where members discuss their favorite lubricants ad nauseum.  There is a thread there that explores the source of Penn lubricants.

Hopefully, someone from Penn will chime in with a confirmation or correction.



I moved this thread here because it is a Penn product question.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


I will see if Tony or Jim has the info.
"However" anything out of Maylasia is extremely suspect.
Also bear in mind that the UK/EU, and SA/Aus/NZ PENN companies are run totally separate, and can spec their own products for their own markets.