what's coming off the bench......

Started by alantani, May 21, 2018, 07:41:53 PM

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i have three different sizes of talicas to service.  this is number two.  this one and the first had been fished and the side plate screws were seriously stuck.  i thought for sure the heads would shear off.  if you have one of these reels, grab a screwdriver and some grease.  carefully back out only one screw, grease it, put it back and them move on to the next until all the externally visible screws have been greased and then properly torqued down.  do this before they all seize. 
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


ugghhhhh!!!!!  finally finished the entire order.  the customer leaves tomorrow.   hope we don't find any problems on pick up.  i've just started on that set of 20 solterras from the charter boats and the first on took an hour!
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!

Lunker Larry

my back is hurting just thinking about doing that many reels. I'm good for about 6 and I'm toast.
You know that moment when your steak is on the grill and you can already feel your mouth watering.
Do vegans feel the same when mowing the lawn?


work related hazards and fishing reel repair are not normally found in the same sentence, but i found a sharp edge on the aluminum side plate ring of one of the solterras (yeah, those again).  sliced deep into my right thumb, bled like crazy.  had to put about a half hour's worth of pressure on it to stop the bleeding, then found some old steri-strips, wrapped it up with a couple of bandaids and then flex wrap.  had alot of pressure on it at first.  didn't hurt at first and it's just throbbing now.  i'll check it tomorrow to see how the edges line up and decide if i need stitches or not.  gotta be more careful......
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


Damn!! Just from the pic you can tell it's sharp


Shark Hunter

I don't know how you do it Alan.
I've spilled some blood on my own reels, but never on a Solterra.
Hopefully your Thumb will be OK, But I would have to take a break after that.
I have some gloves that I use for work, that are tough, but I can still type with them on.
I'm going to send you some.
Life is Good!


i took a break, then went back to work.  hopefully i didn't tear it back open.  i'm going to change the dressings and see.  10 more to go.
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


Ouch!  Super glue it back together.

Reel 224

That's a bad one! Blood and reel grease do not mix. I know in you carrier you would know to make sure to keep that wound clean. That looks like a bad one.

never drew blood like that doing reel repair, but I have had some dosses with a grinder.

"I don't know the key to success,but the key to failure is trying to please everyone."


How well does blood mix with blue grease?  Cal's?  What's your recommendation?
Thanks Alan.  :D


Alan I'm with Steve on this one - super glue it. If I have a deep cut ca is my first choice - the faster it sets up the better. Also cut paws on a dog would be much harder to treat if it weren't for ca. The one I'm currently using is Instaflex - same as I use on a splice for braid - apply the ca then wrap tightly with plumbers tape (PTFE tape it doesn't stick) after a few minutes it can be removed and the wound inspected.


Get New Skin it's what there useing in Surgery it's a Antiseptic and liquid bandage in one.



Ouch!!  I'm a big fan of hydrogen peroxide. Poor it on and let it bubble for awhile. I bet it's stiffened up a bit overnight. Might want to lay off the reels for a few days and let it heal up a bit.
Do what you can with that you have where you are


If I were you, Alan —

You know plenty of good Docs from your career.

Go see one today, get them to check it out, stabilize and redress the cut — do whatever is necessary for a best and complete healing.  

You need mobility, dexterity, no major scars, and no infection.

Some of the surgical products today are "cutting edge" (no pun intended) — and are light years ahead of traditional methods of the last 50 years.  Even some of the products we use on the EMT/PM rigs are as good or better than you will find in a walk-in clinic.

Just lay off the reels for a few days — you completed plenty.  Many of the reels you work on have plenty of salt residue, greases, crud, and your cleaners and solvents — all not helpful for a good, quick healing.

Go see a movie or two with the wife.  Hit it again first of the week.

Just my thoughts...

Best Always,


The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


I never make the same mistake twice.

I make it 5 or 6 times, you know, just to be sure.

"Enjoy the little things in Life — For someday, you may look back — and realize that they were the big things"
                                                     Fred O.


Superglue gettin into your bloodstream? I glue doll eyes onto flies alla time and that stuff smokes(probably just vapor) when it touches some materials. Mean somethin dangerous? Iown't know...
Fishing tackle is an art form and all fish caught on the right tackle are"Gfish"!