Question on what boat to go on a 2.5 or 3.5 day

Started by Mjg378, August 29, 2019, 12:53:10 AM

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I have a small window between work and looking at a short range trip out of H&M.   October 10 There are 2  2.5 day trips,  one on the Excalibur the other on the Ranger 85.  They also have a 3.5 day on the Sea Adventure 80 that I might be able to squeeze in.  Not being familiar with the boats, if y'all have any advice you would care to share with me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much!  
Mike G
Mike Grosman


I can whole-heartedly recommend the Ranger 85. It's one of my favorites, even though I haven't gotten to fish it in quite a while. The Excalibur is one of Chuck Taft's boats, I think. He runs a pretty good operation and the recent renovation on it sounds nice. It's been whacking the fish pretty consistently lately as well. I caught  my first yellowfin on the SA80 many many years ago, so it always has a place in my heart. All that being said, if you can do the 3 1/2 day trip, I'd go with that. All the boats down there are pretty darn fishy and an extra day on the water is always a plus!

Good luck and let us know what boat you go on!


Mike Grosman