Tiburon Reels for Sale

Started by Hanks Tackle Box, May 26, 2020, 02:26:24 AM

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Hanks Tackle Box

I have two Tiburon Reels for sale one T16 and one magnum 30T.

Please PM me with the item description and number indicated in each picture if you are interested.
Sorry, if the pictures are upside down.

Fish On! Reel! Reel! Reel!,
Hanks Tackle Box

Hanks Tackle Box

#74   Shimano TLD 30 with a Tiburon Magnum 30T frame   Good condition   $290.00 plus shipping

Please PM me with the item description and number indicated in each picture if you are interested.
Sorry, if the pictures are upside down.

Fish On! Reel! Reel! Reel!,
Hanks Tackle Box
