News about Sal, Prayers are needed

Started by Dominick, September 11, 2020, 12:22:46 AM

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QuoteRIP paisano you will not be forgotten and always remembered with fondness and respect.
Un epitaffio perfetto Dominick
Fortitudine vincimus - By endurance we conquer


My condolences to Sal's family and friends.
I am so sorry for your loss.


I did not know Sal,but reading his posts made it obvious he was very talented,and just a decent man. My condolences to his family and everyone who knew him here.


Quote from: redsetta on October 12, 2020, 11:57:37 PM
QuoteRIP paisano you will not be forgotten and always remembered with fondness and respect.
Un epitaffio perfetto Dominick

Grazie.  I wrote that with tears in my eyes.  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.


Quote from: Dominick on October 13, 2020, 02:25:51 AM
Quote from: redsetta on October 12, 2020, 11:57:37 PM
QuoteRIP paisano you will not be forgotten and always remembered with fondness and respect.
Un epitaffio perfetto Dominick

Grazie.  I wrote that with tears in my eyes.  Dominick
It hits hard and I understand I see notes on my refrigerator and other places that has been popping up lately,,,,,it's like he is letting me know he will always be with us,,,,much respect my friend.


My deepest condolences to Cathy and your family.
RIP Sal. 
Mike Grosman

Penn Chronology

Sal was so special to me as a friend. No one else like him. He showed me generosity that would make me feel like he really cared about me. Hard to explain how good he was. He made a handle for me out of Olive Wood. I put it on one of my cradle reels and it came with a letter from Sal, will never sell it. There will never be another Sal. Sad thing about getting close to people, when they are gone, they leave a void that can never be filled. I know Sal is in a good place now. It could not be any other way.

In my whole life only two people have called me Micheluccio, an Italian friend of mine on the job that I have worked with for over 30 years and Sal. It is a sad day.


Sure is a beauty of a handle, Mike. 
Sal had great taste in his color and material choices, but his ultimate goal was to match the handle to the person... not the reel.
I think that one fits well.'Best,

Marc Fong

I didn't get a chance to meet Sal, but followed along with his various posts. In many respects, I felt I got to know him because of his interaction with everyone on Alan's board and the high regard everyone had for him. My sincere and deepest condolences for your loss.


Benni, that note finally broke me down. Sal was such a great guy, never took a penny for his work only asked that you pay it forward. He's the reason one of my old students has my old rebuilt 12/0 on a custom stick


I think there's a little piece of Sal left in most of us.
Fishing tackle is an art form and all fish caught on the right tackle are"Gfish"!


Posted by: Gfish
I think there's a little piece of Sal left in most of us.

Something to hope for, and someone to emulate...



I'm so so sad reading this. 
Sal sent me a green handle knob he turned a couple of years ago with a note saying he hoped we could meet.
I thought we would.
We will eventually.
Thank you to Sal's family.

quabbin boy 62

sad to hear about Sal, been away for a few days. i never met him, but reading his posts and those of others made it feel like i did. i guess that's just one of the things that made him special. sorry, Cathy and all his family, prayers for all of you.   stan


I've not been on the site for a long time, and was really shocked and saddened last night to hear about his passing.  I'm inclined to contact his wife, and will certainly pray for his eternal rest.

I haven't read all of the other posts, but found this obituary link just now: