Quantum Cabo spinning reel -- rant

Started by coores14, January 17, 2012, 01:16:42 AM

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"Stacked ceramic front-adjustable drag system"

When you read that statement from Quantum's very own marketing literature, what does it make you think? Most likely that you're paying some extra cash for a high end, super duper full ceramic drag system, right?

Well, for quite a while now I've been preaching that the Cabo lineup isn't all that it is cracked up to be. I've serviced Cabo reels ranging from size 40 on up to 80 and all have had similar problems.

First and foremost, major corrosion issues on the body of the reel. The finish is not very durable, especially on the earlier reels. My fishing partner had to send his entire arsenal of Cabo reels back more than once for them to basically replace the reels due to massive corrosion. Yes, he took great care of his reels. And yes, he sold every last one of them last year in utter disgust.

Secondly, the anti-reverse clutch assembly is notorious for failure. I personally, just this evening, finished replacing the clutch assembly in two Cabo 40's that are not very old. Last year, I had to do the same on some 70's and 80's. Whenever your Cabo starts to back up on you intermittently, it IS the clutch assembly. No doubt. It will fail eventually. Let's just hope your part isn't on backorder....

and finally, getting back to the opening paragraph, I've always wanted to show everyone what it is exactly that they are getting in their "stacked ceramic drag system". Look at the pics below.... you will see the drag stack from one of the 40 size reels that I finished tonight. Notice that the very first washer in the stack is your "ceramic" one. That is the one that you see right on top as soon as you take the drag knob off. Now, notice what follows -- canvas(?), metal washer, canvas(?), metal washer, canvas(?), etc...just like any other reel out there. Does all of that extra money you spend on a Cabo get you ceramic drags? nope. does it get you carbon fiber? nope.
The washers look pink because every Cabo that I've opened up has been saturated with their red grease.

Bottom line, and my opinion only, but the only thing that these reels have going for them are the handles. Nice solid one piece stainless steel. Very nice.

Out of the box and for the first 6 months or so, these reels give off the impression of serious quality. and they should for the amount of money spent on one. But over time, they turn to crap. Do I want to call it false advertising about the "ceramic drag stack"? not totally, since there is ONE ceramic drag washer, but I do think it's intentionally misleading.


yeah, seen that before.  mostly i just shrug and think, yeah, well, they're all like that.  i'm talking about fishing reel companies.  and to a degree, i think they are.  think of where okuma was 4 years ago.  wouldn't you love to be president of quantum for just a day?   ;D
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!