Van Staal pliers

Started by Bill B, January 27, 2023, 04:48:03 AM

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Bill B

Are they really serious!?!  Bill
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


But they're VS! Check out the Accurate pliers too. Does Gucci make pliers?
When I was your age Pluto was a planet!


Bill you gotta have the matching pliers when you're slingin' $100 handmade darters to stripers from a boulder field in Montauk with a VS VR50!


They have been priced like that for many years and sell very well.  Designed for the surf angler fishing waist high.  They also don't break  ;)



Any machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough.



"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them."
John Wayne as J.B. Books in "The Shootist"


Ah yes, a pair of pliers for the discriminating fisherman...
I've bought used car's for less than that.
Fishing tackle is an art form and all fish caught on the right tackle are"Gfish"!

El Pescador

Billy B!!!!  IT's time you get out of the mountain - you live TOO close to Victorville!!!  There is a bigger world out there.

You need to head to Jackson Hole, WY, and step inside one of the MANY fly shops in that area.

Are you ready for this?????

A Fly Line tippet cutter - AKA: Nippers 

for $400 !!!!  That's right $400 just to cut a 7X tippet!!!  Read this one and weep!!!

Abel Fly Reel Company makes a very high-end nipper for just $195!!!


If you want a custom one, one your sons can gift to you for this year's upcoming Father's Day, check out this model.

$400 Dallaros (My slang Spanish for dollars) - You get the DEAD HEAD version PLUS a $50 Lanyard for safe keeping around your neck.

Now I say again, 7X tippet you can easily cut with your teeth.  I've used my choppers to cut 5X tippet on many Sierra Streams, much to the chagrin of my Dentist!!!

If YOU want to spend money, fly Fishing is your sport. :d

Keeping it REEL.


Never let the skinny guys make the sandwiches!!  NEVER!!!!


I'd bet the biggest market is women looking for a gift for their mate who's got everything out of desperation
Do what you can with that you have where you are

Midway Tommy

Heck, if I had Nancy & Paul's insider trading connections I'd buy me a couple of pairs, one for each tackle box, but until then I'll just keep waiting 'til my ship comes in.  ;D
Love those open face spinning reels! (Especially ABU & ABU/Zebco Cardinals)

Tommy D (ORCA), NE

Favorite Activity? ............... In our boat fishing


Basically, the reality is just economics 101 —-

If enough folks will buy them for that price —- they will continue to sell them for that price.

Plus, many companies are trying to live on their historical good reputations —- even though they are moving over to products with their brand name prominently marketed —- but sourced from Asia, South America, Mexico, etc..

It is said by professionals that the least expensive tool you ever will buy is the one that doesn't break down.

However, unless you shop around and do your homework —- you can also pay way too much!

For me, an Accurate Piranha pair of Surf/Offshore pliers is the way to go, at least for me.

Made in the USA by a trusted family company we all know well.

It has been upgraded and improved to the point of near perfection.

$95 + a Kydex Sheath for $30 + a lanyard for $15.

Hard to beat these for a lifetime pair of pliers with replaceable jaws & replaceable carbide cutters.

Of course, I am a guy with a $200 screwdriver that I use daily.

But I do my homework ahead of just pulling out a Credit Card.

Plus, from the reports I have looked at — it looks like the Van Staals are not the Quality Controlled manufacturing that we would expect from a well known firm.

The Accurate — I can personally attest is a remarkable and solid tool.  Well worth the investment.

I do clean and oil my stuff regularly to prevent issues and to increase longevity.

But that is true and useful with all of our fishing equipment.

Now...when Tom at Cortez comes out with his own pair of pliers — I will need a pair of those!

Best, Fred
The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


I never make the same mistake twice.

I make it 5 or 6 times, you know, just to be sure.

"Enjoy the little things in Life — For someday, you may look back — and realize that they were the big things"
                                                     Fred O.


holy crap; and I complain about $600 for a custom made centrepin reel.

Patience comes to those who wait


They're worth it 'cuz if they fall over the side they'll swim right back to you! No? Well, that's why I get my fishing pliers at Home Depot. I did splurge last time on Channellock duckbills and cutters.
When I was your age Pluto was a planet!


Yup. That's why I'd never buy a Stella, or something similar. Dropped o/b, lost, stolen, etc., too big a loss to sustain.
Fishing tackle is an art form and all fish caught on the right tackle are"Gfish"!


Quote from: MarkT on January 27, 2023, 09:44:39 PMThey're worth it 'cuz if they fall over the side they'll swim right back to you! No?

you might say that as a joke, but let me tell you something....  it was a good joke  ;D  ;D
The Baja Guy