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my relation with JS rods

Started by ksong, August 05, 2023, 03:33:23 AM

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my relationship with JS Company
When I heard about JS Company first, it was about 10 years ago. One famous Japanese angler told me he thinks the best quality rod maker in Korea is JS Company. i found JS and NS Black Hole are two major rod makers in Korea.
A few years ago, President Ko of JS Company contacted me at ICAST Show.  I told him I couldn't do any business with JS as I was involved with NS Black Hole then.  However I really wanted to introduce JS to American anglers.
As my relationship with NS Black Hole ended, I contacted President Ko of JS. He wholehearted welcome me.
I asked whether he wants to do business with me directly and he said yes.  But first day discussion was not smooth. I think he worries too many things in advance.  After meeting, I sent a message to him,  I don't want to get involved with JS as he is reluctant to do any business with me.  He called immediately  and asked me to visit JS one more time.
Apparently he considered many variables as a businessman. I am not a businessman. I am a type of guy believing gentleman's agreement by just shaking hands. 🙂
after understanding each other's stand,  The atmosphere became very amicable. He wanted me to open an office/shop as I did for Black Hole USA, I said no as I know my limit.  I told I help to introduce and develop rods for the US, but not involved in sales of rods directly.
I don't think I can make money, but I have an opportunity for developing rods for US market which I love.
I am brining a few JS rods and I am eager to test them as I never used JS rods before.
New chapter begun. 🙂


Best of luck in your new adventure
Do what you can with that you have where you are


I don't recall hearing about Black Hole before seeing your booth at the FHS. I picked up a Challenger Bank s801h from you at that show. I've picked a couple more BH rods since then.

If you can accomplish for JS what you did for BH it'll be a win!
When I was your age Pluto was a planet!


So when are we gonna see some down at Sebastian?
Any machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough.


KSong my best wishes with your new direction.

You may remember I once said to you that BH rods were too expensive in South Africa for the market and you commented that the market share here was growing.

Well I have now also built two rods on BHBS102-8Blk - Black Hole USA striped Bass Special 10ft
2-8oz Blank blanks and have found them very pleasant to use from all perspectives.

I have also seen many more BH rods in Cape Town now, they have slowly been growing in popularity, but I think in a relatively small market segment!