1970ish Pflueger 642 in the box

Started by CincyDavid, January 23, 2023, 05:01:01 PM

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Just won this reel on that auction site, paid $4.01 plus shipping.  It just arrived today in the original box with the instruction booklet.  Pretty sure this reel has never even had line spooled on it.  The dilemma is this...do I use it as intended or keep it on a shelf?  It's like the fifth of Makers Mark I dipped myself...do I keep it because of its history, or do I pop it open?


Couple of pics, more to follow


And more pics.

Midway Tommy

As you can tell by what you paid for it it's not a highly sought after collector piece even though it's basically NIB. So, if you want to display it it will make a nice shelf queen, but if you feel the need to use it go right ahead, you might really like it. Either way you should service it and get rid of all the 50 year old grease and get it working correctly.
Love those open face spinning reels! (Especially ABU & ABU/Zebco Cardinals)

Tommy D (ORCA), NE

Favorite Activity? ............... In our boat fishing


Well, I know it's cleaner and nicer than the Heddon 227 that also showed up in my mailbox today.  I'll post about that one later this evening,


Fishing tackle is an art form and all fish caught on the right tackle are"Gfish"!


Quote from: Gfish on January 23, 2023, 07:34:30 PMMade in the USA?

Pflueger contracted with Ohmori in Japan to manufacture these.

Pretty good reels.  For spare parts —- if any get broken after a thorough cleaning and servicing —- if the reel is going to be used —- a donor reel is pretty cheap for parts.

But even if you put it on a shelf —- it should still be disassembled, serviced, and modern synthetic grease and oil applied.

Best, Fred
The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


If your feeling down and don't know what to do
     Just hold on til tomorrow
Let go of the past
     Wrap your dreams around you
Live every day like it's your last


Heck with it, I'm gonna use it. Popped it open to take a quick look, one dollop of soft brown grease, everything else was pretty well dry.  I'll tear it down over the weekend and properly lube it.


I was going to say that's a Japanese reel. Built like most of the other Japanese reels. It will have a blob of stiff ear wax or brown grease

OCD Reel Service & Repair
Gulf Breeze, FL


And the obligatory pic of the grease.

Paul Roberts

Nice! Can't beat the price. I'm not one to keep a shelf queen. I say fish it!


Now I just need to find a rod for it.


I just had to reply to your post. Congrats on your new purchase.
Just this morning I picked up a 682 Pflueger on a 2 piece ABU rod for 12 Australian bucks.
It reminds me very much of my Shakespeare 2410.
This is my first PFLUEGER., but I have a feeling it will not be my last.
Happy fishing.
DAM Quick 3001      SHIMANO Spedmaster 3   Jigging Master PE5n


Hi Cincy, I would say if your going to use it, then try & buy another one for parts concidering, the cost is so low, you  would have to be very pleased of the price you paid for it, now leave some fish in the ocean for us, cheers Don.
Don, or donnyboat


If you are a angler, by all means use it & get that extra enjoyment.  If you are a collector, a Pflueger always attracts some attention, regardless of model.
