Bowfin on Tree Frog

Started by jgp12000, January 06, 2024, 09:58:29 PM

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I don't know if you guys have these "nastay" fish in your neck of the woods, but Bowfin are fun to catch not to eat IMO. No match for the Cardinal 3 though...I have caught several bass with tree fogs over the years after it rains.


The bobber leads me to assume you mean an actual frog not a frog-shaped lure. Fairly large fella, I'm sure it was a fun fight. I know a fella who ate one on a lost bet. Said it was very mushy meat.
Any machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough.


Yep Jason,a real live tree frog, they can't resist ! Buzzards won't even eat bowfin ,but there are recipes out there, some folks like them.I reckon if I was hangry enough, I just ain't got that hungry yet.


I'm always up for a good time on the rod and reel; but I also would not be opposed to saving the bait and grilling up some frog legs......


A big tree frog is about the size of a quarter so you'd need a lot of them but frog legs are delicious
When I first saw the title of the post I thought it might have been a song, catchy title
Do what you can with that you have where you are


Yep Swami it sounds like an old country song if anything,I have had a few frog legs in my day, good eatin'. Brewcrafter, Tree frog legs would be like chicken ribs...maybe better with your beer ?