PENN Tour Info

Started by jgp12000, April 11, 2024, 05:00:40 PM

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I may be going on a road trip soon to Baltimore/Philly and wanted to get Info on getting a tour at PENN if possible?


Hi Jgp,

Unfortunately we do not offer tours to the public any longer.  The only way in would be through a contact in our Sales/Marketing, etc. departments, being one of our Dealers or affiliated with Pure Fishing in some way.  I will also add industry influencer to that list as well.  Thanks.   



I understand,thank you for the info.


Quote from: jgp12000 on April 11, 2024, 06:44:57 PMI understand,thank you for the info.

With so much history here that should be shared with avid collectors, and after I just re-read all 11 pages of this,16922.0.html (RIP Sal) I am open to the idea of another group of Alan Tani members coming in for a tour.  For one off tours, they are no longer offered.  If we can get a group of 8-10 passionate Anglers/Collectors that can make it here all at once I will consider it.  I would just need 1 member to communicate and coordinate with like I did with Sal.   



I was thinking about flying to Baltimore
The 1st week of May and driving to Philly if anyone else can go that week.
My wife can count as one of the 8-10 or
If there are enough members interested
She said she would gladly dropout to go shopping...

Crab Pot

UGH, if this AT Tour can get pushed forward to next year, when my life settles down  ::) , I'd love to go.

Buy it nice or buy it twice.


It appears several posts from this topic disappeared? Was a date ever decided on?


Quote from: jgp12000 on June 23, 2024, 05:29:30 PMIt appears several posts from this topic disappeared? Was a date ever decided on?
Is this a different thread?,38317.15.html

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them."
John Wayne as J.B. Books in "The Shootist"


That's it Chris I knew it had been moved but it's been awhile.thank you


I still would like to do this but it'll basically come down to you guys picking a date, and me figuring out what the cost of a flight looks like that day to see if it's practical. But it would be super cool.
Any machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough.