Mercury and Selenium

Started by Maxed Out, January 03, 2025, 12:42:27 AM

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Quote from: Gfish on January 03, 2025, 06:04:46 PMOuuuu! I found a spelling error in the Abstract; there was spelled "thar". A Cardinal sin in a scientific paper. "That 'thar' word ain't "thar"!

Maybe err on the side of caution; eat less of of the larger/older versions of certain species. So many possible variables as to how and why Hg might affect people...
Thar she blows ? :cf

Midway Tommy

Quote from: jgp12000 on January 03, 2025, 02:14:21 PMI have been taking fish oil for my cholesterol 2-1000mg/day per Doctor orders,sometimes they are hard to swallow though.I just read about Antarctic Krill oil,it's a smaller pill & supposedly better?

I was recommended the same dosage.Tried it for a few days and had to quit because it gave me such a stomach ache. Switched over to 2400 mg Flax Seed oil and all is fine, including cholesterol. I eat salmon & tuna every now and then anyway, and interestingly enough, every time I do I end up with a stomach ache. Not a dehabilitating one, just a medium nauseous feeling.

On a different note, with regards to fresh water fish chemical contamination levels, it's been known for years that you are way better off eating the younger examples and those that don't spend most of their time resting on or hugging the bottom.
Love those open face spinning reels! (Especially ABU & ABU/Zebco Cardinals)

Tommy D (ORCA), NE

Favorite Activity? ............... In our boat fishing


Quote from: Gfish on January 03, 2025, 06:04:46 PMOuuuu! I found a spelling error in the Abstract; there was spelled "thar". A Cardinal sin in a scientific paper. "That 'thar' word ain't "thar"!

Maybe err on the side of caution; eat less of of the larger/older versions of certain species. So many possible variables as to how and why Hg might affect people...

Good catch! To be fair, I posted the author's submission and not the final published paper, which I could not find outside of the paywall.  Proofreading seems to be turning  into a lost art in the era of automated spell-checking.

And yeah, the actual official advice is pretty well aligned  with common sense: To be safe, don't eat lots of fish high in mercury - especially if you are young or pregnant,  and there is enough of selenium in the average diet that the majority of us don't need to go out of our way to include more. And too much selenium is no bueno either.

There are plenty of cases of mercury screwing up people's health.  Probably not as much an issue  for the average person eating a reasonable amount fish from a variety of sources, but I wouldn't want to be the guy trying to eat my way through 250 lbs of fillets from a single mako shark catch.


Ron Jones

I don't care how much selenium you eat, you probably shouldn't start making hats!  ;D
The Man
Ronald Jones
To those who have gone to sea and returned and to those who have gone to sea and will never return


I remember that there was a thermometer factory close to my neighborhood. We would get thermometers out of the dumpster and play with the mercury.  I'm still alive and maybe I have mercury in my system from playing with the stuff, but there is nothing I can do about it. It sure was fun stuff to play with.  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.


... and then there's micro-plastics...


Quote from: Dominick on January 03, 2025, 11:16:51 PMI remember that there was a thermometer factory close to my neighborhood. We would get thermometers out of the dumpster and play with the mercury.  I'm still alive and maybe I have mercury in my system from playing with the stuff, but there is nothing I can do about it. It sure was fun stuff to play with.  Dominick
The stuff in fish is methyl mercury. It can be absorbed by ingestion.  The stuff that they used to put in thermometers is elemental mercury. 

From what I read, the main risk for elemental mercury is via vaporization, which will occur at room temperature.  Handling some  outdoors is probably not as bad as losing a drop or two indoors and having it steadily vaporize over the next several months or longer. I was reading that they don't even bother to treat a person who accidentally ingested a small amount of elemental mercury, assuming that it will not get absorbed and would eventually be passed.  But they do care about cleaning up even very small amounts of spilled elemental mercury.

This is something that poison control folk must have to deal with, so I bet that Alan knows the exact answer.



Quote from: Dominick on January 03, 2025, 11:16:51 PMI remember that there was a thermometer factory close to my neighborhood. We would get thermometers out of the dumpster and play with the mercury.  I'm still alive and maybe I have mercury in my system from playing with the stuff, but there is nothing I can do about it. It sure was fun stuff to play with.  Dominick

I played with mercury and nitric acid prospecting.  I still have a 20# vial of it in one of my drawers.  The fumes are toxic when recovering gold from mercury and when desolving aluminum foil in the acid/mercury solution to recover the mercury.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


Quote from: nelz on January 03, 2025, 11:47:33 PM... and then there's micro-plastics...

Take PlastiClenze supplements.  It rids the body of micro and nano plastics.  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.


Quote from: Dominick on January 04, 2025, 12:57:15 AMTake PlastiClenze supplements.  It rids the body of micro and nano plastics.  Dominick

Very interesting! I never heard of the stuff. In the documentaries I've seen about microplastic pollution, no such thing was ever mentioned (that there are supplements). Gonna do some research.

Do you take it yourself?


I just took a look at the Plasticlenze website.  No references to any external articles on the product, no description of what the product is or how it works,  no names for officers - I did find a link to a LinkedIn page for the founder, a "Dr Ben" (No last name). The address is a UPS store mailbox in San Mateo, CA.

Found the ingredients on a photo of the label :  Citrus pectin and psyllium are common ingredients for fiber supplements. That's it, except for some activated charcoal that is normally used for binding to some types of chemicals to treat poisoning in Emergency Rooms.  Activated charcoal is a popular ingredient  in supplement products, although the efficacy is dubious. The problem with activated charcoal is that it also binds with good stuff like vitamin C, or maybe some of the medicines you  are also taking.

Next stop was a Google scholar search with "pectin" and "microplastic" for keywords, and up popped a very recent paper on the potential for dietary fiber to minimize the absorption of microplastics in the gut. Activated charcoal was not mentioned in this paper:

I have read that most of us are better off getting our dietary fiber the old fashioned way - eat lots of fruits, vegetables and legumes,  as we also get all the nutrients instead of just the fiber. Plus $52 buys a lot of fruits and vegetables. But many of us don't get enough fiber in our diet, so a doctor might recommend a fiber supplement, but I would wager probably not one with activated charcoal.

And if I was interested in using a supplement, I would make sure that the ingredient purity and strength were properly verified, and then check with my doctor for efficacy and any contra-indications for any current conditions or medications.  I would especially ask about the activated charcoal.

Hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings,



Quote from: jurelometer on January 04, 2025, 06:38:15 AMI just took a look at the Plasticlenze website.  No references to any external articles on the product, no description of what the product is or how it works,  no names for officers - I did find a link to a LinkedIn page for the founder, a "Dr Ben" (No last name). The address is a UPS store mailbox in San Mateo, CA.

Hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings,


Some may be irritated by logic and facts presented to them when they KNOW they are or have Been misguided and realize it Bluntly . Hurt Feelings can make awareness to essential problems and will subside when actual facts are learned .
My old man use to Hurt My Feelings on a regular basis which is frowned on  today and look at where we are in Discipline in Schools and Society without it .

   Back to the food chain and poisons in it
               If you Dont' Grow It
                 You Don't Know It


i appreciate that folk here tolerate  me scratching my itch on scientific accuracy without too much blowback.  Can't think of many other web communities where this would be possible.

Getting back on topic, I was thinking about the comments on mercury content based on  species, size, and the variation from one fish to the next.  I wouldn't want to be the guy eating my way through 250 lbs of fillets from a single mako shark or swordfish. This type of risk is probably much higher in our community.


Midway Tommy

I took a gander at the Plasticlenze web page right away yesterday and came to the quick conclusion that the stuff may soon be an Infomercial. 😀 Couldn't find any research provenance. 🥴

After reading Dave's sleuthing report I think I'll just stick with my nightly glass of sugar free Metamucil. 😉 😁
Love those open face spinning reels! (Especially ABU & ABU/Zebco Cardinals)

Tommy D (ORCA), NE

Favorite Activity? ............... In our boat fishing


Like most things in life moderation is key
Do what you can with that you have where you are