Quantum Catalyst--spool spinning

Started by DanK, May 28, 2012, 01:09:57 AM

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Here is my first post of any substance!  :)

My reel is working good minus the spool. The spool is not staying engage and is spinner.  it appears to the the washer/bearing underneather the spool that is not 'grabbing' properly. 

any ideas if I am close to what the issue is or recommendations on what I need to do?

If you need additioanl information, please let me know.




spacing issues or metal drag washers out of sequence.  do you have schematics to check against?
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


I have the drawing that was posted in another post on this reel that I can reference.

What should I do to determine if it is a spacing issue or metal drag out of sequence?

Without me previously messing with the reel,  I'd this something that can just happen?



the entire spool is spinnng free?  there is usually a cross pin that prevents that. 
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


Got it, I was able to figure it out based on the schematics and the little help you gave me.  Now it appears that the anti-reverse has quite working?

Is there a simple pin that is preventing it from engaging?

what part on the schematic is for the anti-reverse?


thanks for all the help, i'm learning a ton!


not sure.  the AR bearing is 39 a, b, c and d.  usually something makes it rotate a few degrees one way or another.
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


great, thanks for the help.

In opening up the reel it is 39a, 39b and 39c that is not working when I engage the ar. the reel basically slips.

I will be ordering the part and hopefully getting it soon.

thanks again!