
Started by alantani, December 07, 2008, 05:40:30 PM

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I just received my order of 301 and 321 today. Must have shipped before the storm.

Night Prowler

Hi Alan. Have you ever tried corrosion block grease? A schoolmate of mine is the distributor of this product in Hawaii. Gave me a tube and I have not had a problem with it yet. I know you do a lot more reels than I do so just wondering your professional opinion.  ;D

Bryan Young

Quote from: Night Prowler on November 02, 2012, 05:30:04 AM
Hi Alan. Have you ever tried corrosion block grease? A schoolmate of mine is the distributor of this product in Hawaii. Gave me a tube and I have not had a problem with it yet. I know you do a lot more reels than I do so just wondering your professional opinion.  ;D
Aloha Nighty,

E komo mai.

Corrosion Block products are good stuff.  They have been around a long time and around salt water applications.  I'm sure it's good.

There are many factors in selecting a good marine grease...availability, recommendation, experience,...  if you haven't had any issues, then continue to do what you do.  That's experience talking.

:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


I have extensively used the Corrosion Block spray (comes out as a blue foam at first). Great stuff!


Hi Alan

I would like to ask you an advice on how to slow the wear on aluminum gears and worm shaft. I have seen many of your posts which directs to blue marine grease. I have used it but still  had bad wear on some parts of a reel.
I am only using Coffee grinders - long casting type - Daiwa Basia Surf . Fishing at Cape Town and at cost of Namibia
With heavy surf fishing - long distance, heavy sinkers, bigger fish - gears , worm shaft worn to extend that reel became so wobbly and that is despite the service before every trip I have done. I know these reels are not so durable,  parts are difficult to get and very costly -  so I given up on them.

I have just now ordered new Shimano Aero Technium 10000 MX-B .
I know that most of internal rotating parts are made out of soft materials. I was thinking of using Moly 60 mixed with Air Filter oil to prevent scorching of the graphite and added water resistance with more stickiness too. Any advice how to prolong the parts of that new reel as it is very expensive. Is there anything can do better then a blue grease. I even bought Ceratec from Liqui Moly thinking to mix with grease.


Be inspired, here you will find tons of information on lubricants.
They say Catch and Release fishing is a lot like golf.
You don't have to eat the ball to have a good time


those soft aluminum gears are very quiet, but they just don't last. 
send me an email at for questions!


Hi Everybody

I think I found ultimate grease for aluminum gears and also for oscillating mechanism and shaft. I found it after speaking with many lubricant specialist.
I tested over the  weekend on the brand new Shimano Ultegra 14 000  Ci14. This "made in Malaysia" Shimano had some cheap lithium grease inside. Reel has most of rotating parts made out of aluminum , only pinon gear is made out of brass.  To remove that grease I used dish wash liquid with warm water - all removed in no time. Applied this grey extremely sticky and stretchy grease on all rotating parts except to bearings where I used Reel X.
I started to test the reel by spinning very fast for good 15 min , then opened reel.  Grease did not spray anywhere and it stayed on parts lubricated  but concentrated more of few places due to centrifugal force . Main gear and pinion had nice amount of grease still on it . So I was impressed with results and then opted to do something more.  I sprayed some water inside the reel throw a lubricating hole , than start cranking , felt a bit looser resistance of the grease but grease friction returned after more cranking , run it for few more minutes and then opened the reel. Some of a grease got off but lots stayed on,  while water did not mix with grease as grease did not change color.

After messy job I decided to wash all that grease. Dish wash liquid and hot water done nothing to this grease , it just wont get off this way. Then I tried engine cleaner (strong soap), no luck just smudges around. This Grease is so resistive to detergents. Then I managed to clean it by using  benzine and lots of it.

I am sure this grease is by far more superior to any marine grease , but working with it is very messy.
It is very difficult to wash the hands and work table. While lubricating reel it stretches as far as 10 cm making a mess all around. So I assume this grease would not find a way to many doors of people who services the reels as for the job. But for enthusiast who want his reel to last longer, I am sure it is one of the best.

I will do further testing this December when I put this reel to some heavy surf fishing and probably some boat fishing too. This reel is of weak nature and it is ideal to see how lubricant can maybe change that statement.
In a later stage I will compare this grease with Quantum HoT Sauce grease.

Grease is South African made buy a lubricant guru from SOS OIL . 
See specs below:

Point Open Gear Universal G

An excellent adhesive, high-tech lubricant, which is based on the newest technology. This product contains a synergistic combination of white and black solid lubricants for extreme application, e.g. boundary lubrication. It also has chemical EP (extreme pressure) additives which in combination with the solid lubricants give you a hydro elastic lubricating film which anchors itself to the metal surface thus eliminating wear, tear and pitting. OPEN GEAR UNIVERSAL G has very good water resistance behavior even in seawater and at higher temperatures. 


What do you guys think out Oust Met Oil? Thats what I've been currently using on all my reels. I use my reels for mostly salt water. I've also tried shimano oil and daiwa since it came with some of my reels.


alot of these products work just fine.  the only thing i balk at is the "$5 an ounce" price tag that seems to be the going rate.  if you haven't tried TSI 301, it is the one product that i see that is really worth the extra price beyond a bottle of basic corrosion x. 
send me an email at for questions!


Oic, thats the only oil I can get besides reel x and corrosion x around my area. I havent really seen any tsi 301 around here. Do you guys know where I can get them for a good price? I've read alot of good reviews about the oil.


send me an email at for questions!


Thanks....Do you think its worth it comparted to Oust met oil? Or should I just use all my Oust met oil before purchasing. I've serviced all 13 of of my reels and have more than 3/4 left. I just use a drop or 2 on every spool bearing.


Quote from: Reelz on December 01, 2012, 09:18:58 AM
Thanks....Do you think its worth it comparted to Oust met oil? Or should I just use all my Oust met oil before purchasing. I've serviced all 13 of of my reels and have more than 3/4 left. I just use a drop or 2 on every spool bearing.

Oust met oil is a very lite oil GREAT for SSteel and Ceramic bearings, downside it only lasts a week or so before U have to relube where as TSI 301 will last for months in  SSteel bearings.
