Which Accurate Reel?

Started by thunnus69, January 22, 2014, 01:53:59 PM

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I am in the market for an Accurate because I like the idea of twin drag, triple dogs, anti reverse bearings.  I have phoned Accurate and got straight on which reel comes with what.  Seems as though if I go with the DX vs. DPX I lose the accu-cast, but that there is another difference which invloves an anti-reverse bearring vs. triple dogs.  I plan to use this reel with braid in Costa Rica for large roosters, yellowfin, sails, and cubera snapper with an occasional small marlin thrown in the mix.  The sails aveerage about 100#s and if we get a marlin it might run 200#s given past experience. This is the typical bag whenever we go out fishing there.  I am trying to minimize how much gear I bring down.
Which reel and size would you recommend for this application and why?  Are the old Boss Magnums or new Boss Extremes an option?
Thanks in advance everyone.


accurate reels have gone through several changes.  corrosion problems continue to plague their designs.  any reel you purchase will work fine at the beginning.  with the accurates in particular, it is critical that you learn how to service this reel and service it after your big trips.  critical.........
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!



Pretty wide range of target species you got there so very difficult to make one recommendation. I would assume you will be trolling live bridled baits for most of these?

As well, you have to let us know where you stand on heavy versus light tackle. I've live baited for Cuberas in Panama and we used Tiagra 30's hammered down and we still lost fish to break offs as their first run is so powerful. As well, though the smaller male Marlin are the most common you can still come across a 5-600lb female on any given day. Roosters are tough fighters, but don't head straight to structure to break you off so your needs would be less there.

Conversely, Sails fight like wet rags after a run or two and will be easily winched through the guides by a 30 class reel. I prefer spinning or smaller star drags for pitching baits to sails.

Alan has pointed out that Accurate though perfectly capable are also finicky and require meticulous maintenance, especially in the tropics where it seems things are never dry.

If I were to take "one reel" then I would emphasize strength, simplicity and reliability and not necessarily a thoroughbred like an Accurate but if I did take one then at least a DPX2 30 loaded with 80/100lb braid would give you a solid shot at smaller marlin and the meanest Cubera. A DPX2 600 with only 500yds of 65 is really undergunned, imo, but would be fun on smaller models.

If you are still open to other reels then we can open up that can of worms if you like :)



Thanks John and Alan I appreciate your feedback.  I know the marlin may be out of reach for what I am trying to do (downsize that is).  I recently got rid of a 30 tiagra 2 speed that Cal blueprinted and increased the free spool.  It was heavy and simply to big for most of my fishing in Costa Rica.  When I do marlin fish we typically rely on the charter equipment.  We typically bridle rig 10-12inch blue runners for roosters, cubera, but have raised sails and a few small marlin. 
Which is better the anti reverse bearing in the dx2, or triple dogs in the dpx??
John I'd like to hear more about what you prefer outside of accurate reels.
Thanks again.


Quote from: thunnus69 on January 23, 2014, 03:39:03 AM
Thanks John and Alan I appreciate your feedback.  I know the marlin may be out of reach for what I am trying to do (downsize that is).  I recently got rid of a 30 tiagra 2 speed that Cal blueprinted and increased the free spool.  It was heavy and simply to big for most of my fishing in Costa Rica.  When I do marlin fish we typically rely on the charter equipment.  We typically bridle rig 10-12inch blue runners for roosters, cubera, but have raised sails and a few small marlin. 
Which is better the anti reverse bearing in the dx2, or triple dogs in the dpx??
John I'd like to hear more about what you prefer outside of accurate reels.
Thanks again.

Good to hear that you have gone the 30 size route and know that you want to downsize. It makes me more comfortable recommending smaller reels.

I would't hesitate to go with the triple dogged Accurates as there is no more reliable system. You really only need an instant ARB if you are going to be fishing artificials with the reel. And that is only a question of "taste" not a strict requirement. If you went only instant ARB then you are kinda rolling the dice when it is your one and only reel south of the border. ARB can easily get some saltwater in them and give you trouble. Dogs are more reliable.

The quibble with Accurates tends to be that you cannot neglect them as much as some offerings is all, particularly be sure to grease the back side of the drag washers which are often dry. If they get wet they will swell and give you a jerky drag as well as start corrosion underneath them. Also be sure to pack the end plate bearings and grease their "cups" that they sit in. Both end plate bearings need this for sure.

If you take great care of them I have every confidence in them, but you cannot let them get salty and not open them up and be sure you are not coming to grief.

South of the border I would lean towards star drag reels unless I really wanted to fish a Ferrari. Ultimate reliability for an extended trip would be a Baja Special 113HN. For a conventional to pitch baits nothing would be better than a Penn Torque in 25N or 30 size. For trolling live baits it is pretty hard to beat a lever drag (set just so that the bait doesn't take drag but a big 'un will pick up the bait and run with it). My go to there for roosters and smaller model Cuberas would be a Penn 16VSX. It may seem heavy to some and will dominate smaller roosters and sails, but a real Cubera will make it look like a tinker toy. It also casts very well as needed.

You can translate all of the above to the corresponding models from Daiwa, Shimano, Accurate, Avet or Okuma and not go far wrong as they are all very good reels with their own fans and with small differences. The basic ideas from my perspective are:

1. A ~4/0 sized reel in the mid price range is probably your most reliable choice for an extended trip. It may not have much bling but won't let you down (think Baja Special/Fathom, Saltist or Torium). For basic trolling something like a beefed up Senator even will go the longest before needing service.

2. If you want to fish something with a little more pizazz then the high end star drags are the next step and are as reliable, just more expensive. They cast uber sweet and are light and compact (think Torque, Saltiga or Trinidad). Perfect for pitching baits or casting iron. Surface iron is deadly in the tropics.

3. Then the high end lever drags are very nice for their ability to fish live baits on the troll, their 2-speeds for cranking power and can cast as needed, but are gonna be the most finicky of the bunch. Some, more so than others (think Penn Torque LD/VSX, Okuma Makaira, Accurate DPX2, Talica, Avet Raptor etc). More parts = more to go wrong. Waste no money on cheap lever drag reels in the tropics. Cheapo graphite frames are not for pulling on big 'uns. :D

Anyways, hard to decide of course...but what I have found is that if I understand what me and my reel can do together and I don't expect it to do what it cannot then I'm happy :D.  I am also more than ok getting "stoned" by a big 'un and tend to go lighter rather than heavier. Except for those damn Cuberas :(....You know how light you want to go and if I was trolling liveys for Roosters/Cuberas you could do much worse than a well maintained DPX2 600.



One thing to remember, Accurate will put an ARB in a DPX2. I know, cuz I have one, a DPX2 600. I also like the DPX2-30N.

"Lately it occurs to me: What a long, strange trip it's been." - R. Hunter


Thanks again John, you helped me make up my mind.  I also like what DayOne said about putting an AR bearing in the DPX. I have been pulling reels apart and maintaining them for years.  99% of my experience has been pulling apart Internationals and Senators. I can appreciate their simple, but rugged form.  I recently had Cal super 12 one of my reels, blue print and two speed it with a topless frame and new handle.  He also put a bearing sleeve on it and double dogs.  I got rid of a couple a larger reels as part of a deal I struck with my wife to pay for the work Cal did.  I don't regret it a bit.  The DPX should round off my collection nicely.  When I troll for roosters I don't go heavier than 30# test unless we're by the catalina islands or Muercielegos where we might get a large amberjack or cubera.  Cubera, never less than 50# with a long heavy  leader.  I will throw a fly for rooster and have had fun with them too.
Hey thanks again,