Older Penn 6/0 (114) Questions...

Started by dogdad1, February 02, 2014, 07:37:47 PM

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I just found a 6/0 in my father's garage, one that looks to be very old-school.  And from the looks of it, maybe hasn't been opened in many years (if at all).  Lots of dried gunk & grease inside, and the side-plate screws look like they've never been touched.  Based on the Scott Bait & Tackle website, it must be one of the very early ones as the drag-spring is a piece of bent-copper and it says the drags are accessible from the outside, but I don't see how they would be accessed... any suggestions there?

Anyways, the outer and inner rings on the left side are broken at 2 screw-holes, and I've seen this on some of his other reels I've done.  I'd guess it's not an isolated occurrence which I'm assuming is from the side-plates themselves expanding/swelling over time (why do they do this???) and then cracking the rings, yes?   From my limited experience in doing his other reels, the new rings won't fit as-is so I'm thinking I need to take the Dremel to the side-plate and grind off a bit of the material to allow the new rings to fit and subsequently 'breathe' in the heat as they expand/contract.  Is that an acceptable path?

Another question is about the drag-washers:  Can I just swap out the 3 old fat washers (fiber, maybe?  they look like automobile brake-lining material) for a set of the newer HT100 drag washers?  Per the Scotts schematic & writeup, it looks like I then just need to add another metal washer to the stack, correct?

So far, I've gone thru almost the entire lineup of my Dad's Penn Senators, from the little guys up to a 14/0 and a 16/0.  This site is invaluable!  Thanks in advance for y'alls help. 
"Few things are quite as dangerous or unpredictable as an Engineer with too much time on his hands". - unknown


Dogdad, The accessible drags have a large top hat shaped metal piece under the star. You have to take the handle and star off and the drags can be accessed after removing the metal top hat shaped spacer. To be honest, I normally don't use this feature to replace drags.  You can replace the old asbestos drags with carbon fiber. I would just buy a new drag kit that comes with the metal washers and carbon fiber washers. Scott B&T has them. The rings do crack from the side plates swelling. I just take a safe edge file and go around the rim with it. It doesn't take much. I also put a thin coat of grease under the rings and inside the side plate. good luck!   Bob
"Quemadmoeum gladuis neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." (A sword is never a killer, it is a tool in the killer's hands.)
   -    Lucius Annaeus Seneca, circa 4 BC – 65 AD


Ok, thanks for the info Bob. 

I've got everything tore down to the basic parts, so I have access to washers from either side.  I was planning to  replace the old washers with new CF ones anyways, do I also swap out the top-hat spacer?  If so, what do I replace it with (if anything)?

In looking back, I see that I asked about swelling plates some time ago....  Hmmm, guess my hair isn't the only thing that I'm losing.

"Few things are quite as dangerous or unpredictable as an Engineer with too much time on his hands". - unknown


"Quemadmoeum gladuis neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." (A sword is never a killer, it is a tool in the killer's hands.)
   -    Lucius Annaeus Seneca, circa 4 BC – 65 AD

Shark Hunter

I just went through one of these a while back. If you order a drag kit, make sure you get one for a 114 and not a 114H. They are different. This might help.
This particular reel didn't have the top hat. just a spacer. I like the top hat better. You can see the 5 stack replacement kit.
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