Reel Repair by Alan Tani

Fishing => Alan's Fishing Reports and Vacations => Topic started by: alantani on December 14, 2008, 12:17:27 AM

Title: 8/18/04 - vomiting in french
Post by: alantani on December 14, 2008, 12:17:27 AM
met my buddy this morning to run for albacore, we discussed the weather, the lack of boats in the parking lot, the absence of albacore reports from the previous day and then asked him if he would like me to make a recommendation. he said "sure." i said "salmon." fortunately, i brought along some sinker releases and a case of 2.5 pound lead. we headed up to pedro and played cowboys and indians with gravy. yogi and i were the indians, the salmon were the cowboys. round and round we went, 1-2 miles north of pedro. yogi got it done by 9am. we needed four limits. we had 16 solid hookups by 9am, we lost 16 lead balls and we boxed 4 fish!!!!!! the skipper had to drive, which left me with two horribly seasick newbies. ever hear someone vomit in french? well, it sounds the same! i could barely get these two guys to hold the rods up, much less reel. at 9:15 am we pulled the plug with 1 fish around and headed back to the barn. we dumped off our seasick passengers and the salmon, and headed down to the ritz and fished for rockfish. we caught an easy limit, including four beautiful vermillions and a 20 inch cab. we fished a spot in 50 feet of water, directly offshort from a bright red framed structure, probably something under construction. a single treble hook, squid heads, fantailed squid bodies and whole squid were the ticket. i've been using this single #6 treble hook rig for the last 3-4 years and it works great! there was a huge school of suspended blues about 10-15 feet down. it was a litte tough to get through them to get to the bigger fish below.

sorry we were no help on the albacore, but the newbies never would have made it. one guy vomited so much that he had a black eye. french is not just the language of romance!