Reel Repair by Alan Tani

Conventional and Bait Casting Reel Rebuild Tutorials and Questions => Other Reel Tutorials and Questions => Topic started by: striperpirate24 on February 25, 2016, 03:06:54 AM

Title: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: striperpirate24 on February 25, 2016, 03:06:54 AM
Hello everyone, my name is Dane and I am a tenth grader in high school who is an amateur tuna/yellowtail fisherman. I am looking into buying a new reel at the 2016 Fred Hall show. I have been looking into the Avet MXJ 5.8 MC to use for jigging and to cast light baits for tunas and yellowtail. I have heard that in the past the MXJs were poor reels for jigging and I was wondering if they have made any improvements. If purchased, I will most likely pair it with a GFGR-800L calstar. I would really appreciate your thoughts and suggestions on a good reel for casting light baits and jigging.

                                  Thanks so much for your help,
Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: sundaytrucka on February 25, 2016, 03:25:39 AM
The MXJ should work fine for jigging, it has a nice gear ratio. What type of jigging were you planning on doing?

Hit up a few spots at the Fred Hall show before you decide to buy, some retailers may have a deal or make a deal for you. Cash is best. They should offer a good price with braid put on the reel. Check out M&M tackle, they usually have a good selection of blemished reels (mismatched colors), some are really well put together color combos.


Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: striperpirate24 on February 25, 2016, 03:42:39 AM
Thanks for the reply scott, I am interested in yo-yo jigging shimano flat fall jigs and throwing some tady surface irons.

                                  Thanks for your help,
Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: SoCalAngler on February 25, 2016, 06:02:21 AM

What lb test are you looking to fish on the MXJ? If your looking to fish 25 lb your set with that setup but If your looking to fish 30 the reel should handle it ok though you will be at the max but the 800L is a bit light IMO. A 800ML would make a better stick for 30 lb.

A couple of other things to think about are, do you really want to fish the yoyo iron with a 8' rod. With 25-30 lb test most people like 7' rods for for the yoyo. Can you do it? Yes, but a 8 footer is not the best choice.

Second do you really want the MC? If you plan on using the setup for bait fishing also I would go with out the MC. Being a young man you should take the time and learn to use your thumb as the cast control. It's not hard to learn but it will take practice to get it down right. If your not going to use the reel for live bait then go with the MC if you feel you want it.

Lever drags are cool but a star drag reel will fish just as good and maybe even better with light baits or smaller surface iron. At the same price as the MXJ without the MC is a Penn Fathom 25N star drag reel and you may want to look at that reel also when your at the show.

P.S. The 2 yellowtail in my Avatar were both caught on a Fathom 25N star drag reel on the yoyo iron but on a 7' stick.
Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: striperpirate24 on February 25, 2016, 09:46:30 PM
Thanks so much for the advice socalangler, I have done some more research on the MXJ and it also limits your casting distance and I hear that there are a lot of internal problems with the reel. I will definitely look at the fathoms at the show and it is ironic because my dad was telling me to look into the fathoms.

                   Thanks so much for your help,
Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: Maxed Out on February 28, 2016, 10:36:09 PM
Dane, you are my kinda 10th grade kid. I hope you find a few big ones to test your gear  ;) ;)

Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: garyal on February 28, 2016, 11:07:07 PM
Hey Dane,

Great to see the next generation taking advantage of the knowledge here!

So Cal Angler is giving you great advice on the Penn Reel. This is a great reel. spool it with 50 lb spectra and top-shot anything from 20-50. This drag will handle it. On the Calstar rod, if yo-yoing is you prime jig method then the 7 foot stick is a better choice. If your prime use is live bait and throwing surface iron around kelp paddies, then your original choice of 8 foot stick is fine. (I also would recommend the GF800ML over the L for this type of fishing.  You are young! I few yellows on the yoyo with an 8 foot stick will just make you tougher!

Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: SoCalAngler on February 29, 2016, 03:38:59 AM

When you look at the 8' rods and if 30 lb test is what your looking at to fish on the rod check out a Calstar 270-8H. I have both the 800M and use it for 25 lb test and the 270-8H for 30 lb. The 270-8H is a all glass rod and a bit heavier in over all weight than the 800ML but not by much. Also the all glass rods are less costly than the Grafighters. Most all of my rods are all glass or composites from Calstar and if you want black rods Calstar glass rods come in what is called BWC which stands for Black West Coast. You can save a good amount of $'s going with all glass and they fish really good.

Edit: Dane do you fish out of Orange County landings? The reason I ask last year I met a young man with his Dad on the Thunderbird out of Davey's Locker. I hooked a fish in the Dana Point area and handed off the fish to a guy who's name was Dane fishing with his dad. He handled a nice 30 lb grade YT with no problems and I was wondering if that might of been you?
Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: MarkT on February 29, 2016, 04:08:49 AM
I have an MXJ, non-MC, and it's my goto 25# reel. It works well for 30# too. I use it mostly for fishing live bait but have used it with flat fall type jigs too. An 800L would be a good match, I use a Phenix 808MH with mine. The 800L is capable of more than 25#. One of the guys on Alan's 5 day 2 years ago was using one for 40# and it did fine. I was surprised and impressed. I have an OC rods 8'er, a Seeker G270H-8 and G970, a Cousins 7.5 and 8'er I use for 25# too.
Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: SoCalAngler on February 29, 2016, 05:26:53 AM
IMO a Calstar 800L is a 25 lb stick just like the Black Steel 270-8H and 970's, don't take my word for it check Seekers rating for those rods . Calstars do run heavier in the lighter rods than most Seekers until you get to the Super Seeker line and you will pay for it, not bad rods, actually very nice but they do come with a cost. A Calstar 800L as a 40 lb stick? not for me or anyone I know.
Title: Re: Avet MXJ 5.8 MC
Post by: striperpirate24 on March 01, 2016, 01:16:21 AM
Thanks for all the awesome info you guys, really appreciate it!!!! And btw socalangler your probably thinking of another dane as I hope to go up at fish out of daveys locker, but I have not fished there yet.