Reel Noobie: Okuma stuck lever

Started by terraformer, November 15, 2013, 01:45:36 AM

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Greetings Everybody!

I'm new here.  My Dad moved to Texas and gave me a Reel still in the box and a box of Ling jigs.  The reel is an unused Okuma Titus 30 II, blue body 2 speed.  The lever is set on the strike position and is locked.  Won't move at all.  I'm not sure how long my Dad had this, probably 2006 is my guess.  A neighbor came by and invited me to go on a party boat for crab/cod combo in the next few weeks.  This prompted me to dig out the reel.  What do you guys think?  Could this be a relatively easy fix for somebody that's never taken a reel apart?  If so, which Tutorial should I use since I didn't see one specific to this model.  Or should I turn it over to a professional and get the thing serviced properly?  Or is this thing a piece of junk and I should start with something new?

I've been out on a couple of party boats before and each time was a blast.  I've always rented gear.   I think it is time to start collecting and using my own gear for a change.

Thanks in advance!


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