Upgrading gears in my penn 710z

Started by Marcq, April 02, 2016, 06:40:37 PM

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Quote from: Shark Hunter on October 19, 2017, 04:13:31 PM
The pics in this thread need no fix, as with all others I redo. The embed fix is just a temporary solution in my opinion.


I agree that the embed fix is likely only a temporary solution.  The programmer of the extension figured out how PB was recognizing the 3rd part access, and found a way around it.   The extension was updated October 1st (version 0.6 for Chrome).  Some time last week I noticed that my original PB embed fix was no longer working, so I installed this latest version, and can see everything again!  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/photobucket-embedded-imag/ogipgokcopooepeipngiikdkpmcpkaon?hl=en-US

This is a cat and mouse game, and we will see who wins in the end.  Probably there are some classic AT posts using PB pics that will never be fixed, or will be, but have not yet.  In the long run, it is better for everyone to avoid using PB altogether, and use AT.com to host the photos, or another site like IMGUR that is not likely to be monetized.   


