Now that is one big squid

Started by Bryan Young, January 09, 2014, 05:16:39 PM

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Bryan Young

:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


That would make a good bait but you would need a pretty big hook. Looks a bit photoshopped to me.
The best things in life are not things.


I vote hoax.  Photoshop.  Do the guards around the squid look like Santa Monica cops?  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.


I saw a live giant squid once while fishing about 35miles offshore of Port Eads, LA in Jan. (of 1996?). It was about 15ft long body, 45ft TL.  I chased it w/the boat on the surface at 20knots for about 5mins before it darted under the boat, and let out an ~120ft long dense ink cloud.  Pretty cool sighting, but alas no video/pics and no one believes me (except my dad &uncle who witnessed the event as well).
Hope springs eternal
for the consumate fishermen.


send me an email at for questions!

Robert Janssen

Many other interesting "articles" in that newspaper...




No man can lose what he never had.
                                                   Isaac Walton


I used to be in a constant state of improvement.  Now I'm in a constant state of renovation.


I was going to have Squid for dinner but opted for some great Eggplant instead....


X4... that ain't real gentlemen!
Who wrapped the tentacles so nicely? ... don't think it washed up that way.
After all, it is The Lightly Braised Turnip reporting it :D
funny though,


Looks like it's time to get out the flencing knives and carve up some Calimari. Squid steaks smoked and marinated with new mexico chilis and sun dried tomatoes.
Remember...."The soldier above all other people prays for peace, for he
must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war!" Douglas


It's real!
Radioactive Gigantism is a "growing" and frightening problem, one that world governments must keep quiet at all costs.
Despite the long history of contact with these enlarged creatures, those in power deny their existence.
In all fairness, they must. The masses would panic if the truth was known.

We here, are of sturdier stock.
Brave Men and Women (fishermen) ready and willing to find and capture these record breaking specimens.
Always be prepared when hunting any waters known for producing such beasts, and take heart,
The only real danger when hooking one of these freaks, is to the pinion bearing of your Avet reel!


I don't suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it!  :D


we're  gonna need a bigger boat