Swordfish on a Jigmaster

Started by Roger, October 14, 2010, 08:31:33 PM

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I don't think the sword knew he was hooked till the gaffs hit him. Cool video though....


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."   Mark Twain

Bryan Young

Smooth drags, a good rod, patience and finese, anything is possible.
:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


That was awesome!!....until they turned a great catch video into a tutorial on what not to do to a beautiful fish.  Every piece of that fish/meat had a gaff in it, they chopped his sword off,  let him flop on that hot deck for how many minutes? I don't know how/what they could have done differently because I don't fish swords and don't know their behaviors, but that looked ugly and unprofessional.  I will say KUDOS to that angler...he did a beautiful job!!!


Well said Dom.
One of the deckhands should have given that fish the bat before it came over the rail.
Generally, red decks equal a successful day on the water; but, as you said,  this could have
been handled much differently.
--->Getting off my soapbox now......
The Two Rules of Success:
1. Don't tell everything you know


Yeah, what Dom said. I don't know anything about fishing swordfish. We don't have those over here but that video just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Irish Jigger

The very ugly face of our sport recorded for all the World to see. I am disgusted that the deckies were obviously unable to handle a catch like that. A very sad and bloody end for such a beautiful creature. Not a good ad for an outfit that needs to educate its crew. Name and shame I say!


I couldnt tell if the bill broke when they decked it, or if it was taken off by one of the rednecks.  I could however see 6 or seven gaff in it when they finally had it on deck... Kinda sad actually. They pretty much ruined the whole thing(unless you actually enjoy eating the bullet wound/blood clotted areas)

I chock this upto the 3P's.... piss poor performace...on the boats crew, the angler did a good job on finesing it to the  boat.