Reuse old torpedo knob on new custom stainless crank?

Started by trond_solem, December 03, 2014, 10:58:15 AM

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I have several old handles with nice torpedo knobs. Is it possible to remove the knob and axle from the crank arm and reuse them on new custom crank arms?
I know they are riveted to the crank arm. Removing them is an easy task, but removing them in a way that allows them to be reused is more complicated task.

New custom knobs are great, but I want to reuse some of my old but nice knobs.

Anyone with a solution?
Anyone with good plastic custom knobs? Alu knobs looks great, but in cold weather they aren't so good.


I recall that Sal removed the knobs from the studs on several of his reels and replaced them with larger Penn knobs. There are probably other examples of handles he has done. Maybe he will see your thread and comment. I found this and hope it helps you..