Penn 155

Started by ktugboat42, March 08, 2015, 06:48:28 AM

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So i have this old Penn 155 that was given to me about 35 years ago by my Dads Uncle Johnny.
I use to use it every time i went out w/ my Dad, Grandfather and Uncle Johnny in Narragansett Bay RI to catch flounder and bluefish back in the early to mid 70's.
I cant even begin to imagine how many fish i pulled in w/ this reel on those fishing trips.  One of the best parts of a late fall trips was getting back to my parents dock and my dad would break out the whiskey and we'd all have a "medicinal" shot to warm us up.  GREAT MEMORIES!!
Anyways, about 20 years ago i took this reel apart to service it and then life (2 daughters) happened and here i am today ready to rebuild my favorite reel. 
Ive serviced many of my Penn spinning reels but This is the 1st conventional that im taking on.  Scotts schematic looks simple enough, that is if all the parts are still there.
Quick question, how do you guys clean the chrome?  It doesnt have to be perfect and will only be a decoration on the wall but i do want to clean it up some.  Any other tips would be appreciated.

In pieces for the last 20 yrs or so.  Cant remember what the penny is for but it had to mean something.


Cleaning that reel up is going to mean a lot to you and will look good all finished. Its easy to take all the chrome and let it sit in white vingar for a few hours and most of the stuff will come right off. Then a little bit of polish and that chrome will be shining! Good luck and you have come to the right place for any of your questions.


vinegar as above and then some 000 steel wool. youre probably going to have brassing, at least on that base, but YOU earned that through your use. love em' I'm about to do a 160 in a minute.


I recently refurbished two 155s... they are great little classics! Your reel should come together perfectly... and with new CF drags, could handily resume catching flounders and blues, thereby making new memories to add to your old ones. Best of luck!   ;)


I don't suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it!  :D


I suggest soaking in half water , half white vinegar mix . Straight vinegar is a bit strong on the chrome. Try a scrub with a toothbrush each 1/2 hour so you don't overdo the strip.


1st step done of using the vinegar/water on the chrome.  It got rid of the crud but a lot of the chrome was gone.

Now to clean the rest of the parts and then the fun step of putting this puzzle back together.

Shark Hunter

Looking good tugboat. I recently have fell in love again with the 155. You need any help, just say the word. Stock 155 on top. Narrowed 155 in the middle and a Vintage 160 on the bottom.
Life is Good!


First attempt...FAIL!!
The dog must be out of position.
The handle spins both ways.
There's  also 2 extra "soft" washers (not a drag washer) that arent in the schematics so i have no idea where they go.
One even broke as i tried cleaning it.
Time to pull her apart.


Shes ALIVE!!
It had to be the dog spring that slipped out of position.
Thanks for the tips.



The flat springs can be tricky, I put my Monofil (as far as I can tell the same reel as the 155) together 3 times last night when installing a R&D 5+1 drag stack because the spring slipped out.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain