shimano Trinidad TN40 drag problems

Started by rgodbout, May 19, 2015, 10:13:39 PM

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I cleaned and lubed 3 Trinidad reels for a customer a TN30, TN40 & TN50. The 30 and the 50 worked great after, however with the TN40 I was unable to get any more than 8 to 10 lbs of drag (I did not check the drags before I serviced them). I ordered new drag washers (the set of 7) and all of the washers were wrong. For a quick fix, I input 1 of the new washers that had the same OD, but the ID was a little larger than the originals so I ended up with 8 drag washers, and when I was finished still ended up with only 8 to 10 lbs of drag. (These are the hard graphite or carbon?? washers).

Is there something I am missing, or can anyone direct me further on this.

Thanks in advance - Ron Godbout


send me an email at for questions!


Thanks Alan, but that is not the problem. I thing I did not mention is that I used Cal's drag grease, but I used the same grease on the other Trinidad models and Torium models I have worked on and never have had a drag issue

Thanks in advance - Ron Gobout