Penn 9/0 Special. Made in the USA, black side plates.

Started by Ruffy, June 18, 2015, 01:49:28 AM

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Hi all,
There is a Penn 9/0 special with black side plates (made in USA) available here for $50 AUD. All the metal looks either salt crusted or corroded. I am sure a long soak in some hot water with detergent and a toothbrush could work wonders but I am just wondering what they are worth, especially if it is not in that great a condition. Also, I can't find anything concrete on a Special, or what makes it a Special, any help?



Are there photos? Does it say Special Senator or just Senator 9/0 on the plates? If the word Special is not on the plates it's probably a bogus description.


Hi mate, I do not have photos, I've just had a look in person (it's at a shop). It does say Special on the side plate, I can't remember the order of naming (if it is 'Senator 9/0 Special' or Senator Special 9/0' etc.). My main concern is getting parts if it needs them, due to it being a short run or something like that. I am sure the metal can be rescued to a working degree and it comes with a rod brace so the majority of the reel is there. Just want any feedback before I go and drop some money on it.



Special doesnt mean anything, just its a the one with the bearings not bushings. Thats not a bad price for a 9/0, as from what I understand its hard to get those out there. If you jump on it and need parts we will all help you out!


I have never seen or heard of a 9/0 Special Senator with black plates only Senators. It is possible but unlikely. We need photos & a better description. What's the gear ratio? If it is a "SPECIAL" Senator it would be possibly a limited production item. As far as I know the largest "SPECIAL SENATOR that Penn made is a 114H & 114HLW, 6/0's. The larger ones were all Senators. I own a 114H Special Senator with black plates which is very uncommon. I only know of 5 in existence but there might be more. Special Senators were given a letter designation after the model number. Senators had no such letter. I don't know what the exchange rate is between the AUD & USD but a 9/0 Senator as you are describing could go for $50 to $100 USD in good working order.


Fishsticks, I have 5 of the ball bearing models & none has the word "SPECIAL" on them just Senator 9/0.

Shark Hunter

Is the reel red or black? If its red and has special senator on it. Its not a 9/0.
The handle side plate has the number designation of the reel.
Life is Good!

Shark Hunter

No reason to apologize. We all make mistakes. I just bought a 9/0 yesterday for $100 US. That is a fair price, but it is in good shape, no pitting or rust. Bearing model with aluminum spool.
With all the upgrades available for this reel, it can be made into a Beast. Or should I say Beauty. ;)

Life is Good!
