Fishing for Charity!

Started by gstours, June 19, 2015, 05:02:33 AM

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Last weekend one of my good fishing buddys asked to ride along with me to the spot where I got the nice 150#halibut a couple days earlier.   So as we were on the travel to the grounds I decided I would use my Penn narrow 6/0 this time just for kicks. 

Also it was discussed that the pre-school was wanting us to donate fresh fish as they were having several fund raising dinners and the procedes go to a good cause as all kids need a good education, and I could accept a little challenge.....
   So we anchored in a couple of spots that I,ve caught good fish in and things weren,t happening,   So  we moved to another,  and Viola,  I got another good halibut bite.   It seemed like a good one, and was no match for the larger 6/0 reel.  It had lots of line, a lot of drag, and smaller stock gear ratios, and a clickky double dog. The fish made it to the top by the boat but my good buddy harpoons it in the tummy area just off the spine, the fish ran to the end of the harpoon rope and the head pulled thru the body, now the fish was thinking it was free and went to the bottom again,So I got to reel it back up,  it seemed heavier this time, but the hooks stayed in and we got it in the boat.   Whoo  EE!   We gave it to the people back home who run the preschool stuff and they were very happy, It weighed 150 pounds as well and had a street value of over a thousand dollars.   We felt good as donors and now are resting up and waiting for another day to have fun.

This fish was almost a spitting image of the one I got earlier in the week!

Both of these were in about 150 feet of water, and caught on the flood of the tide.  Now I,m waiting for the tides to deminish,   as the total runout of a days tidewater can exceed 20 feed in 6 hours,  presently the daylight is the longest of the year. with about 4-6 hrs of dim or dark light.
   But theres always things to do, you just run out of energy.    Winters are a time to rest.     Hope you liked my little story,

Shark Hunter

I loved it Gary! Great Job My Friend. ;)
Life is Good!


sorry about the double photo here is the intended one.

enjoy it anyway!


fantastic as usual gary,  a reel nice halibut , your the halibut king.  a reel nice gesture donating the fish for the children. after fighting that monster, i hope your friend pulled the anchor.  take care my friend.   harryk


Hey Gary,

Good fish and great cause. How do you like that narrow 6/0 compared to the standard width?



Nice butt, bad harpoon hit.  I've had to pull a few dead butt from the bottom, it's not fun.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


that´s a cow, damnit a lot of my favorite meat right there.

The Baja Guy


Nice fish there.  I guess that is the problem with ising great reels, you get fish to the boat and they are still 'green'.  Doesn't sound like he liked the harpoon very much.  I always wondered why you 'butt' guys didn't use a small flying gaff, (that will not pull through once set) on these guys instead ofvthose harpoons you all are so fond of?

Nice fish, and great story.  Keep 'em coming.
Hope springs eternal
for the consumate fishermen.


Harpoons do not pull out when a fish is hit in the head, my preferred target.   I've tried flying gaffs but find a harpoon is much easier to use.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


I've used harpoons to selectively remove large 8-14' sharks with great sucess.  But I still prefer the control and solid feel I gain with using a gaff.  The gaff just feels like a natural extension of my body.  Having gaffed thousands and thousands of large fish over the years, I am very confident in ysing the gaff, how best to place it, how to control the fish etc...  I can not have the same condidence in the harpoon.  I do realize the harpoon extends your reach considerable though, and am sure it will stay put with a good head shot (not through the gill plates).
Hope springs eternal
for the consumate fishermen.


I would never let go of the handle so reach is about the same.  Down goes easier than up for me and I rarely use a flying gaff.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

Fisherman Paul

Now that's what you call a flat fish, great read too.


The harpoon is a good tool on fish when used properly. Like Lee said a head shot or sewing both gills shut are my spots to aim for.  But the advantage in the harpoon I think is the fish can be quite subtle a foot or more in the water but its generally when you lift them close to or out of the water thats when they thrash around for me.  Lots of folks hit the spine too and it never goes thru and make the toggle.  I,ve had to use a hammer to loosen the head before.  Everybody has their way.  I always carry a flying gaff but the fish thrash more and I think its more dangerous at times as you have to keep tension on the rope and generally pull the fish to the top or out of the water.  They go crazy then.  Personally its more fuss but also more fun to have a medium size bouy ready and attach it to the end of the harpoon rope.  after harpooning the fish just throw the bouy and rope overboard. Its amazing to all watchers and the person with the reel still gets to fight it some more.  the technique is for large fish and thats the safest way to prevent a tear out or broken something as it is fighting the gentle but always present lifting action of the bouy,   and ya there's some suspense at first but they always come up!  Its your choice!  sometimes they also get away injured.  And sometimes people get injured! But thats not what you try to do.    I do love to fish tho!    gst.


Big butts, over 40 pounds, can be dangerous.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

David Hall

That's it if I can ever get my son to take me to Alaska, I'm camping on your porch until you agree to take us halibut fishing!  And if this doesn't offend you then I'm serious about it.  If it does then I was only kidding.
Great story great fishing for a worthy cause.