Has anyone Magged a 112H?

Started by Bill B, September 21, 2015, 04:44:49 AM

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Bill B

I have a 112H, alum spool, magnets and washers....is the 112H worth magging.....or is magging better left to the smaller reels like the Squidder 140....I do have to admit the 112H is my favorite reel......Bill
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


If you are trolling or jigging probably not worth the effort - but if you are casting long or heavy iron there are benefits (I've even magged my Andros - good little casting reel with a big heart).
If you can find a piece of magnetic stainless all the better (it won't rust so quickly). Glue it - degrease thoroughly first (I use Zap a gap or epoxy) in the left side plate close to where the edge of the spool will be.
Then with an assotment of neodymium magnets try various until your spool shows the righ amount of control (5 to 20 secs spin time with a full spool). You may need more than one to get the magnets close to the spool (but not actually touching it). Do it then try casting. Too slow then reduce the number of magnets (or their size).
If you want an externally adjustable control (useful for midcast control or changing conditions) then read this:
Page 2.

For me magging a reel started as a what if - then how - it was simpler than I thought ;)


I havent magged a 112h yet but I will surely do it after I finished upgrading mine, its a mild upgrade proyect so I wont worth to post it on the forum after all the super upgraded 112h that are currently on the site, but I like the idea that any additional help to assure a good cast its better that a backlash on a good carch opportunity, isnt it?

check this thread where I magged a Baja Special, escencially the same that a 113h and the 112h is the same reel but smaller

I used an old PC hard drive magnet but I think it those small rare earth magnets are 2x better cuz you can change size, and quantity and do a fine tune over your personal needs.
just like I did with a trinida 16 (for many maggin; this reel is not necessary but it gives you more security on your cast.

if the reel its going to be used for trolling or jigging or bait fishing it wont be necessary the mag job, but what if find the fishes earting on the surface and you only have one reel? you better grab a 112h already magged and cast a spoon or jig as you would do it on a jigmaster
The Baja Guy