A great Adhesive for fixing stuff is E-6000

Started by gstours, January 12, 2016, 03:44:55 AM

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Seems like this stuff has been out for a while, but I never heard of anybody using it, nor had I until like last year.

Its quite different than most adhesives, in that it doesent dry in the threads of the screw on cap like some do, yet drys fairly fast in warm free air.  Its clear, not drippy but will run down if a blob is at the side of the item as gravity does to stuff.
  It is very sticky, and quite elastic making it good for shock,vibration, and adhesive tenacity.  Its fairly common to find in many stores. It seems to shrink slightly which I see as a good quality. comes in 3 or more sizes of tubes and best of all it doesent dry up in the tube when stored for a spell leaving you think you got some when you dont.
   Now what you are going to use it for I dunno,  but I use it for joe homeowner stuff alot.   See what you think.  I Recommend this stuff.