Slosh 30 help

Started by thorhammer, March 15, 2016, 10:26:09 PM

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Quote from: Alto Mare on March 22, 2016, 01:05:18 AM
Nice clean display of the parts...good job!


Thanks, Sal!

Quote from: jaypeegee on March 23, 2016, 12:06:17 AM
The black gloves make me think that this was done at 3 am in a government office after having beaten multiple security systems.
I blame TV.

if that is the reel in question, it looks very nice and clean.

I often receive strange looks when I answer the door to strangers with my gloves on. I just tell them I've been busy probing leaving them to their imaginations.  ;D

The pictures are from a reel I serviced and have shared to offer assistance to thorhammer.

Quote from: Bryan Young on March 23, 2016, 02:53:18 AM
I believe the eccentric bumps need to be above the yoke.  That may be your problem.

Quote from: SoCalAngler on March 23, 2016, 07:31:12 AM
Kind of like what Bryan is saying if you take off the side plate with the reel in freespool or in gear you should make sure the jack is in the same position when putting back on the side plate. With a few of my Daiwa reels as I start to push the side plate down so I can install the side plate screws the side plate will not go down fully to the frame. When this happens I move the eccentric lever from freespool to engaged or vice versa with some light pressure on the side plate and everything clicks into place and the side plate sits flush to the frame.

Chaps, the orientation of the j/plate in the last picture is correct (shoulders below the y/plate). The eccentric lever is positioned to retrieve, if you look at the last picture again take note of the position of the nub on the eccentric cam. When adjusted to freespool it can only go one direction and that's up, elevating the j/plate and propping the p/yoke.

SoCalAngler's advise is correct too; a slight adjustment (mm's) with the eccentric lever from retrieve towards freespool will help nestle the two plates together ready for buttoning up.

In other models and brands I too am used to seeing the shoulders of the j/plate sit above the p/yoke but it's not the case with this model. 

Steve. :)


Folks thanks for all the input and I'm going to look at the build when I return (flying up Dom's way in an hour). I wish I had a pic handy but they look at you a little daft building reels on the airport oyster bar; the piece that has me perplexed isn't in the photos above. It's a thin copper piece with a semicircle cutout on one end, almost like it should be a shim for the jack resting over the pinion.



Quote from: thorhammer on March 23, 2016, 06:34:45 PM
Folks thanks for all the input and I'm going to look at the build when I return (flying up Dom's way in an hour). I wish I had a pic handy but they look at you a little daft building reels on the airport oyster bar; the piece that has me perplexed isn't in the photos above. It's a thin copper piece with a semicircle cutout on one end, almost like it should be a shim for the jack resting over the pinion.


Here's the part and its placement  ;)


Ahhhhhh wrong plate. No wonder I couldn't make it work. You're the man!


If you get stuck anywhere else during the rebuild, John, just holla.  ;)


Thanks brotha!! Not to give it all away just yet but this came out when I opened the reel....


But by God and Smoothdrag and Fishaholic this travesty shall fish again! Stay tuned...


This pic is from a Daiwa BG reel not a SLSH but you will get the idea what the clicker and sideplate should look like when done.