Question about shifters

Started by GordaYota, May 16, 2016, 10:02:06 PM

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I have been in the market for a new, to me, land based shark fishing.  All my reels are penn, except for the avet mx and trx 50 that just sit in my room, never had a reason to switch.  My question is about the vsw's.  I notice older vsw's have a different shift mechanism than the newer ones.  I have used both.  Not talking about the pull out style on the intl II.  Prefer the newer style than the shi*mano style on the first vsw's. Can you swap the old style out for the newer style?  Thanks


I don't think so, at least not easily.  

The entire drive shaft, shifting assembly is difrerent.  The change occurred within the VS series itself (i.e. older vs. newer).  I suspect, given the tight tollerances on these reels, replacing the entire mechanism may prove problematic, and costly.  I am shooting from the hip here (just based on ther differences present in the schematics*), and actually havn't had both versions of the same reel size open on my bench at the same time to compare measurements.

It's probably easier to sell the older versions, and upgrade to the model you like, then to mess around with a possibly problematic shifter mech. conversion.  Though, please keep us posted if you decide to give it a try.


*See attached
Hope springs eternal
for the consumate fishermen.


Thanks for the help.  I'm just looking through classifieds and eBay waiting for the right deal like the last two I purchased.  The shifter isn't a deal breaker.  One of the reels I use is a 50sw and any shifter is better than those.  But I love those old over built tanks