Ted is some good folks....pics to follow.

Started by thorhammer, November 22, 2016, 12:03:41 AM

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Not that Ted wants for encomiums, but I too have reason to be profoundly grateful for his amazing generosity and all-around coolness... my sui generis pink 99 AccuFrame & clamp will be a Ted Tribute forever!

I don't suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it!  :D


Ma'am, you have to load that with 25lb Ande pink and ground-check at least one swimmer before that gets a plinth!!!!!


Bryan Young

I'm often speechless of Ted's creations. 

Keep it coming Ted.  I continue to learn and an continue to be amaze.
:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


Quote from: thorhammer on November 22, 2016, 03:36:23 AM
Anyone reading this new or old to Alan's site....YOU WILL NOT FIND A BETTER GROUP. It's rare enough to say folks send stuff to people on good faith alone in this world....but here people open their homes, do things on risk for strangers like organize trips

I was just comenting this same thing to you JOhn few minutes ago by PM, this place is full of wonderfull guys, you will never find this kind of warm and friendship on any online forum, Im glad to belong to a AT site since some years now.

from time to time, I give away some of my lures, full / half spools of line, reels, stickers to local guys and they get all exited for them, and they ask me why I giving them for free my answer is always, Im just paying with the same currency I recieve from many other guys.

BTW, beautiful reels you got there
The Baja Guy


A few years back Sal put me in touch with Ted (thanks Sal) as he knew he was my kinda guy. Since then Ted has helped me extensively with my collection, building aftermarket reels, providing impossible to find parts, and selling me reels for dimes on the dollar, but most of all his willingness to share his knowledge.  Any time I have a question or issue all I have to do is shoot a text or email and I have an answer within minutes.  His passion for everything fishy, his thoughtfulness, and his generosity are certainly something to be admired.  You are good man, Ted.
It's nice to see he's revered as a strong contributor to this site as most things he does are behind the scenes.
Hey John, it takes a good person to recognize another good man's goodness. ;)


Thanks, Dom, but I just stacked the legos in those things....they came from Ted, Tom H., Randy P, Sal, Harry K internal goodies, handles and ProGear from Alan, Mo drags...a lot of effort in development and customer service not to mention some gifted pieces on their part, just a screwdriver on mine. Just trying to give credit where due and pay it forward.

Glad to see you around here a bit again, you were quiet! Happy Thanksgiving to your family!

Maxed Out

   We don't single people out here on AT(except for the boss ;D), that's what makes it the "Ohana". The list is long of great members who share their knowledge and expertise......and all the custom parts and components. 2nd to none, right here.

 John, glad the parts worked out. Those are some stunning reels. It's cool to see something other than the usual black clamps and tongues....Those are merely tidbits of what's to come very soon. More colors and more new custom parts. It'll be like 4th of July in middle of winter.

 Till then I'm sticking with Christmas colors. Happy holidays everyone. Be safe and god bless !!

We Must Never Forget Our Veterans....God Bless Them All !!


Modest of you, Ted...another endearing quality, however, I agree with you in that there are so many great members that we could do threads like this all day long.
We are all very lucky to be part of this thing called Ohana, and while it was started by Alan I believe it would/ will continue after he and many of us are long gone.  
This is how a legacy is created.  I'm proud to be a part of this legacy that will thrive into the ages because of the framework Alan put forth to put us all together.
He has amassed an army of good people now all we have to do is keep our house clean which the moderators do splendidly.
Nice Christmas lights, Ted!
...and to all a good night,

Bill B

It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


With the 4/0 revival , Can't get enough of them.

I love how they are like Lego's and love every ones take on them.

This site is amazing , parts from from everyone.



Nice! The red matches the stock plates to a "T"....