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Started by alantani, December 04, 2008, 06:37:33 AM

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Shark Hunter, Robert Janssen, Lorcan, GHETTOWRAPPED, hrgriz, Catching Nemo, R46chevy and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.

Irish Jigger

Dr. Jekyll - AKA MeL B

welcome to the "neighborhood"...

Shark Hunter

You are Welcome Tony! ;D
I Welcome you to the best reel site on the Planet! ;)
Life is Good!


Hello Everyone,
  I fish Maryland's Chesapeake Bay and the mid-atlantic canyons out of Ocean City MD. I decided it was time to start taking care of my own reels and found this site. What a great resource! Gave me the confidence to dig into servicing my first few Penn Internationals. Plenty more reels to do, so many questions will follow I'm sure. Thanks for the great tutorials for beginners like myself.   -Rick


Welcome Rick, bob fromNJ
luck is the residue of design.


Remember...."The soldier above all other people prays for peace, for he
must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war!" Douglas


 Haven't been here in a while wanted to say Hi to everyone. currently working on an old 113h & a 9500ss.

Dr. Jekyll - AKA MeL B

Rick n surfcaster, welcome to the "neighborhood"...

Dr. Jekyll - AKA MeL B

welcome to the "neighborhood"...


gentlemen, welcome!  and remember, if you are interested in catching something a little bigger, we so have a trip scheduled for june!
send me an email at for questions!


No man can lose what he never had.
                                                   Isaac Walton

Shark Hunter

Welcome Hoyt, Surfcaster and Rick! ;D
Come on in guys! There is plenty to learn here! ;)
Life is Good!


Hi all, I was recommended to your site by my son and am very happy I was.

I have been fishing for about 50 years and servicing my own reels for about 45. I thought I was dong OK but after reading through this site I see that some of you have taken it to a completely new level. The reels of today have come a long way and the need to service them correctly is now probably more important than ever.

I am particularly interested in the new lubricants now available and have ordered some TSI-321 to try in my baitcasters and overhead casting reels, it appears to be a giant leap in technology from the sewing machine oil I have used in the past.

Being newly retired I now have plenty of time on my hands so I may just pull apart the 30 or so reels in my cupboard and see if I can improve them.

I would like to thank Alan and his team of mods for keeping this site going for guys like me, I know it can seem like a thankless job at times but I can assure you it is very appreciated.

Cheers, Geoff.
The best things in life are not things.


send me an email at for questions!

Dr. Jekyll - AKA MeL B

welcome to the "neighborhood"...