Aluminum Spool Corrosion from Degreaser

Started by tomoswald1966, April 07, 2017, 07:21:05 PM

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I was dismantling a reel and put all the parts in a concentrated degreaser called Purple Power. It cleaned all the gears, bearings and other metal parts fine, but did a real number on the aluminum spool and some of the plastic parts. The plastic isn't a big deal but the spool looks badly corroded and has a layer of white all over it and feels rough and not smooth. Any ideas on how to get this off and back to it's original condition or close to it. Also, any ideas on the best degreaser that won't cause damage to any other parts that can be used? Attached is a photo of 2 spools and a aluminum frame body that took a beating from the Purple Power cleaner/degreaser. I would have never thought that a degreaser would do that to aluminum.


Others have reported similar problems with the Purple stuff. I use Simple Green and as long as I don't leave stuff sitting in it for a week it's harmless. I've also read (but do not yet fully understand why) that Aluminum parts and ammonia don't mix well, this may be what happens. You should be able to remove most of the deposit with a vinegar soak.
Sid Lehr
Veterinarian, fishing enthusiast, custom rod builder, reel collector


You mean  something like distilled white vinegar? For how long?


Quote from: tomoswald1966 on April 07, 2017, 08:54:40 PM
You mean  something like distilled white vinegar? For how long?
Yup, distilled white vinegar is 5% acetic acid and cleans up chrome really well. It dissolves the copper oxides, the green crud. I'm not altogether certain this will work well on aluminum, but you've got little to lose. It shouldn't take more than 20-30 minutes to remove that, if it's going to work. Let us know how it went.

Sid Lehr
Veterinarian, fishing enthusiast, custom rod builder, reel collector


All the white crud exploded off thee spools when I poured the vinegar in the glass. Wow.. It got that off but they still don't quite look like they did. Any ideas?


Purple degreaser is powerful stuff -- and as you have found out, should never be used on aluminum, pot metals, plastics, painted parts, or graphites -- only brass, bronze, steel, and stainless steels.

Many times, if used on raw aluminums -- it will turn them black -- and they can be cleaned up with "0000" steel wool and a lot of time -- then a fresh water rinse,

On anodized aluminum, like your spool -- it is functional -- but to my knowledge, will never come back.

If mine, I would get another spool.

This spool may be useful if you polished down through the damage, and through the anodizing -- down to clean aluminum -- then seal or use as is.

It can also be painted.

Even Simple Green will ruin an anodized spool -- if allowed to soak too long.

I generally clean the anodized spools with SG -- but only a 3 minute soak in the SG & Ultrasonic Cleaner -- rinse and done...

Part of what we learn (sometimes the hard way, unfortunately) is what cleaners will clean but not damage parts -- plus how long to let them soak safely.

If really fragile, or old parts -- a hot water with Dawn Dish Soap overnight soak removes most grease or at least loosens it up safely.

White vinegar also works to repair some damage -- or for an initial cleaning of really old parts.


The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


The first rule of fishing is to fish where the fish are. The second rule of fishing is to never forget the first rule.

"Enjoy the little things in Life — For someday, you may look back — and realize that they were the big things"
                                                     Fred O.


Quote from: tomoswald1966 on April 07, 2017, 09:09:29 PM
All the white crud exploded off thee spools when I poured the vinegar in the glass. Wow.. It got that off but they still don't quite look like they did. Any ideas?
Sorry, nothing to add to what Fred said. I was happy to hear the vinegar got the white stuff off...
Sid Lehr
Veterinarian, fishing enthusiast, custom rod builder, reel collector

Bryan Young

Also, when cleaning parts with aluminum, you should only have aluminum parts with aluminum parts. Don't mix metals as aluminum will turn into the anode and will corrode first.
:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


All great advice and insight. Glad I joined this website. Seems like this is the place to go to on anything reel related. Thanks guys


send me an email at for questions!


Not like new but the vinegar soak helped a ton getting the white corrosion off and they are usable now.


They look good, Tom --

Nice job...


The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


The first rule of fishing is to fish where the fish are. The second rule of fishing is to never forget the first rule.

"Enjoy the little things in Life — For someday, you may look back — and realize that they were the big things"
                                                     Fred O.


   Vinegar to the rescue...wonderful stuff that vinegar! 8)

Midway Tommy

The only thing I might add would be to use your fingers on a "feel" test. If there are any rough or slightly pitted spots, especially on the outer gold rim, buff it smooth or pitch the spool and get a new one. The slightest rough spot can play havoc on mono, especially on 8# or less. They can eventually wear thin spots in the line. If the outer rim is smooth all should be fine. Smoothness on the stem shouldn't be a huge deal unless you would happen to pay out all your line fighting a fish. Never had that happen, though. 
Love those open face spinning reels! (Especially ABU & ABU/Zebco Cardinals)

Tommy D (ORCA), NE

Favorite Activity? ............... In our boat fishing


You are not the only one that goofed with purple power. Its not recommended for soft metals. I ruined a Calcutta with just a mix of that stuff. I was trying it instead of mineral spirits.

I now only use it for degreasing my shop towels.
OCD Reel Service & Repair
Gulf Breeze, FL