When my Daughter was 25 years younger

Started by gstours, December 26, 2017, 06:36:14 PM

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    Not that I would keep one of these big honkers nowadays,   Butt we did back then,  she shot it with the 44 and we brought it home.   
        Its worth sharing I thought.   We were fishing in the north pass west from where we live about 8 miles away...   and used a Shimano TT-30 reel w 80# tuffline and a 6ft SuperSeeker rod.   with a bait of herring and an octipus leg dragging.   I had 3 gals on the boat.  I think its the most fun i,ve ever had.       Its still in my mind....       wish I had a go pro back them......     gst. :-*

Gobi King

Look at that smile on her, I bet it made her day.
Shibs - aka The Gobi King


Give Sarah a hug from me.  Great fish.  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.


Uh, I see that is a huge fish but have no idea what it is?   :o  I've was born and raised in these Tennessee mountains and only have a limited amount of salt water fishing.  She sure looks happy!  Is it edible. ???



Great pic Gary! She sure looks happy.





Great picture! Looks like a monster! Bet she remembers it as fondly as you do. Used to take my youngest daughter, she drive the boat ok, cleaning fish not so much. Thanks for sharing
Do what you can with that you have where you are


Looks like she knows what she doing and having fun at it.
A priceless picture.


Yes the fish Sara was cutting on was a large halibut over 7 ft long. The little gal wanted to cut the filets off so it was time to let her step in and help. We couldnt put the fish on a table very well,  So we just cut it down on the ground like a deer!      She had helped do this before and she was still pumped.  I,m so glad to have spent that quality time with her as she still talkes fondly of "remember when" Dad???
    We used to troll for salmon in the fall of the year,  and do a lot of smoking and canning back then.   Here,s to my Kid!