Shimano Triton Speedmaster TSM II FS - yup trouble with the danged fighting star

Started by Wilmar, September 13, 2023, 05:18:08 PM

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Hey all,

Hey I bought a Shimano TSM II FS, the one made in the 80s.  It has a cast aluminum cage - which i really like.  The "fighting star" however, I ain't so sure of.
I had three questions but since, finally, finding the schematic, I have only one left:

I of course found out about the lone BB / "Strike Ball" - part number TGT0152 on the TSMfs II schematic - after it was long gone on my carpeted floor.  I ordered an assortment of metric BB's off the interweb, does anyone know the size BB the TSMIIfs uses? 

I bought this by mistake, I thought it was a TSM III - which i need to complete my 1980s - 1990s star drag plastic and stainless reel mini collection.  What are these reels used for?  I was able to get some limited free spool out of it after cleaning and lubing. 

Thanks, Chip


I love those old speedmasters. Growing up with Jigmasters and Squidders I was blown away when I got my first IV, been hooked since.

The II's were my favorite, I just loved how small they were. I fished it like an ambassadeur 5000 for snapper as a pier rat back in the day.

No idea what size BB it is other than tiny.  ;D   

Wasn't a huge fan of the FS, I just fished it like a regular star drag. Set the star at its lowest and then set the dial to my normal drag setting, if my thumb wasn't enough I had more drag to use.

The guts are solid as you know but heard the thin spool shaft may be a concern, they can get warped. If you cleaned/lubed it and only have limited free spool, that doesn't sound good. I had a II with limited free spool once and it had a bent spool shaft, I hope that is not the case with yours.

It sucks you didn't get your III but the II is a nice consolation prize. I hope you enjoy it!!


Thanks Thrasher.  I was fooling around with it and took a second look at the schematic.  I reconfigured the cast control spacer, felt washer and what the schematic is calling a drag spring washer within the cost control cap according to schematic and the free spool improved.  I did not see an obvious bend or warp to spool shaft but I will keep that in mind. 

I also like how small and compact it is, easy to cup in hand. 

Thaks,  Chip


Hey Wilmar. I may have a few of those. Let me look tommorow when Im home pretty sure I have a couple or one that will work. I have all  the TSM models II thru IV bought new when I was younger. Did the same thing a few years ago lost to the carpet. If I have I can send to you no charge.  Lance


 :)   The answer to the question "What size BB it is" .090-.092    Harvested from a old bearing .
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