Summer fish

Started by TongassFisher, July 28, 2019, 05:06:20 PM

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Ended up getting into 10 kings this season which was epic for me. The last few years have been so slow for catching kings. My 5 year old landed his first king and it happened to be a white king! We both enjoyed some sashimi together. Also was able to take some friends out and get them into kings! Took a friend in town to visit out and landed a few halibut nothing huge maybe 40ish lbs. just got back from a cast net subsistence fishery I do each year and as always had a blast. Lots of bears this year.

Just wanted to share some pictures!
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Looks like a great catch ! Congrats to the young fisherman !!
There's nothing wrong with a few "F's" on your record....Food, Fun, Flowers, Fishing, Friends, and name just a few !


Well done, Trevor!! Makes me almost wish I hadn't sold my boat. I trust your kings were homeless hatchery kings from Lena and Fritz Cove? We need to save any wild fish we have left.

But mostly it's congratulations to your son. I'm sure he'll remember this until he's old and decrepit like his old man.
Taku Reel Repair
Juneau, Alaska


Thanks Bill yea they were all Lena and fritz!

Lena went off this year!


Great pictures & vidios. Especially liked those of your son. Gotta love Alaska.
Question: which is actually better: getting friends, etc., into fish, or hookin-up yourself?
Fishing tackle is an art form and all fish caught on the right tackle are"Gfish"!


I enjoy getting friends into fish more. I've caught my share of fish. I like fighting big halibut and catching a king is wonderful but after I get my one I'm all for sharing! When I take friends out any rod that hits is theirs to bring in. We split the meat.


Thanks. I still can't decide for myself on that one...
Fishing tackle is an art form and all fish caught on the right tackle are"Gfish"!


Well done Trevor, thanks for sharing the pics, that young lad will never forget that day, great cheers Don.
Don, or donnyboat

Hardy Boy

Nice fish !! Those springs look mature so you must be fishing a terminal area ?? If I towed my fish around like that in some areas I would have some sea lions having a snack !! Nice job and great pictures.




Thanks for sharing your pictures and fun family time.  I,m green with envy.  Glad you took the little guy.  Great picture there.  Suitable for framing.   gst,

Newell Nut

Those are some beautiful and memories.