Back in the Hospital #3

Started by handi2, January 24, 2023, 07:49:05 PM

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Sorry to hear that Keith.  Stay strong.  We're all in your corner. 
I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.


we will all do our best to keep you connected.  i know that it helped me. 
send me an email at for questions!

Rocket Dog

Keep your head up, Keith. Prayers coming your way.


Kick it's butt Keith; show us all how it's done - you got this! - john

Jim Fujitani


So sorry to hear that news Keith...pulling for you.


Mike Grosman

Bryan Young

Hi Keith, text or call me anytime.  I'll be checking in on you as well.
:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


Well I had another scan today and a brain MRI tomorrow.

It's in my lungs too. Stage 4 effecting lymph nodes

I'm still going to bear this!

My Dad is 88 still working doesn't take a pill for anything


Today I was told it's in my lymph nodes upper lungs and spreading fast.!

Tomorrow they will do a trial of Chemotherapy to see how I tolerate it. If I feel better it will continue.

If I'm worse they say it's not going to be good

They are telling me even if they kill it it's coming back
OCD Reel Service & Repair
Gulf Breeze, FL


You will be in my prayers,,,,hope that you will be feeling better soon


Gee Keith a good man like you dont deserve all the health troubles you have had over the last 3 or 4 years, stay positive man, I have my money on you, cheers Don.
Don, or donnyboat


Good thoughts toward you ...

I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6...

Hardy Boy

Kieth: kick some butt and beat this. We are all pulling for you.

All the best Todd


Just saw this K-man. I'm pulling for you. The Ohana needs you around.
I woke today and suddenly nothing happened.


Hang in there, Keith. Keep fighting and you'll win the battle!