Red Fin Pike

Started by jgp12000, October 17, 2023, 07:19:33 PM

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This is the 2nd Red Fin Pike I have caught in my minnow trap, only 4".I had to put it on a hook. I have never caught an adult on a pole in my 60 years. The guy at the hatchery said fish will actually swim over a  low spill way into the pond during a heavy rain. My pond isn't fed from a creek but overflows into one.


Did it eat the rest of the minnows in the trap?
Any machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough.


Naw,in case u didnt see my cutie post,my 5 year grandson discovered By throwing a cutie peel in the pond, bait fish attacked it like piranhnas.I been baiting the trap with cutie peels since.You can see the Oil coming off it and lasts longer than bread.Trap fills up quick,if your children eat cuties save the peel.