Handle knob seized on early ambasseaduer 6000

Started by kevin cozens, January 05, 2024, 09:11:42 PM

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kevin cozens

i have a lovely No 6000 that i just purchased for £36 with three other reels.
The abu is a late 50's / early 60's model with no foot number and has a tiny round knob on the red handle.
Its a lovely little reel and runs like new with no unwanted clicks, groans or grinding noised.
What i want to know is how to free off the knob. i soaked in in wd40 overnight and it made no difference


I like PB blaster much better than WD-40, when it comes to unsticking, stuck parts!
Not sure if you have access to that or something similar, where you're located at.
Handle looks a little roughed up, the pliers didn't work out for you huh lol!
I have one of these oldies in 5000, think mine has a double white handle though.
Those white handles are prone to cracking too, which makes it even Harder to work on.

Midway Tommy

Soak it in hot water to free it up. Once it turns add some penetrating oil and keep turning it. A replacement handle should be an easy find, though.
Love those open face spinning reels! (Especially ABU & ABU/Zebco Cardinals)

Tommy D (ORCA), NE

Favorite Activity? ............... In our boat fishing


You have to be careful, not to damage the plastic handle, with some chemicals, I would try some liquid detergent, in a cap from a milk bottle, mix it with 1/3 tea spoon of bi carb soda, work it in around the handle, leave it for 15 minutes, than scrub it with a tooth brush and hot water, you may have do it two or 3 times, and dont than me, it was Mo 65, who first posted this on the forum, good luck cheers Don.
Don, or donnyboat