Cleaning anodized aluminum

Started by Megalops, August 02, 2012, 09:06:19 PM

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...or as my British wife would say, "aluminium."

I just bought a well-worn Penn 5500SS that has some serious black spots on the top & bottom of the spool; I can't seems to remove them.  Not sure if this is some sort af deep-seated stain or corrosion that has eaten away the finish.  Any ideas of how I might be able to clean up the spool without removing the anodization?


it's probably corrosion that has eaten into the aluminium.  clean them up with an old rag and a little grease, work some more grease into the corrosion and call it done.  once it started, filling the areas with grease is the only way to keep it from getting worse. 
send me an email at for questions!

Irish Jigger

The anodising is already gone where the black spots are.  I would recommend fitting a new spool.