Found a spot with a some good potential

Started by rscotth, August 05, 2012, 07:05:39 AM

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Let's just say this spot is in east Central Florida private canal not open to the general public. Oh yea, I have full access and I can't wait until the 2012 Atlantic Snook season opens.


send me an email at for questions!


Those snooks look like slot size or a tab bit bigger. On the Atlantic side that will be 28" to 32" inch for a keeper. I wouldnt keep any from a canal that are brown or dark colored, (Well wouldnt keep anything from the canal really) but with that many I guess it's very near the ocean. They are so thick now cause they are spawning & a reason the season is closed till 31, but they will have locked jaws by that time. lol

I got a big girl yesterday that didnt put much of a fight if that but when they are mating they get like that. I think on the pier when I was there for a few hours they must have caught 4. The catch to lost ratio was for every one caught, they lost 15. lol Nice spot for sure, rscotth


If I had to guess the ones on top are 30" + with the bigger ones on the bottom that surface and literally push these guys out of their way. I call it a canal but it is a well flowing part of the ICW that was originally a fueling dock and pings 10' to 18' on my depth finder. They sit there and pop on the shrimp that go by and is actually quite entertaining to observe.
Here's a couple bigger ones that pushed their way to the top and the smaller 30" ones give em a wide berth. Hard to put anything in the pic for size reference without including a channel marker- sorry.