Tiburon's Newell 533N Kit

Started by SantaBarbarian, January 06, 2013, 05:56:49 PM

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I just picked up a Tiburon narrow frame and spool kit for my C533 4.6 and have found that the diameter of the spindle ends are different to one another. The new spindle end on the gear side has a larger diameter than the original spools, and won't seat into the original bearing. Funny though, the spindle on the clicker side fits the bearing just fine. I know Newell has changed things around on their reels over their production runs. Did the later P533's come with 2 different bearing sizes, one for each end? Or did Tiburon give me a defective spool??



i have two kits for conversions that i never got around to doing.  check with tiburon on their website.  if you have trouble getting through, let me know.   
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


Thanks for the advise Alan, I will try contacting Tiburon and let you know.



 I was advised on BD by a member to file the larger end with scotchbrite or sandpaper.
Had to borrow a neighbor's old school micrometer, ( my digital one had a dead battery )
Took me about 20 minutes on my line winder holding the spool to take it down enough to get the bearing to slide on. I used my free hand to support the spool to counter the torque caused by the filing. Ended up using a jewelers file to remove enough material. Had to reduce nearly .002" off the spindle. I am thankful for the fix but would expect a little better quality control.